
This is just me but I dunno, you guys ever feel irked or annoyed whenever you’re listening to a good song only to see someone make edits of a slowed or sped up? Reverb whatever, when the songs already good on its own? 


@GunslingerDeath101 yes also others like if someone in the story lost someone special to them in a scene but someone makes a edit or video that just try’s to make fun of it or downplay it and others that make songs that are made to just make fun of a good series instead of trying to make good music but either way I also find things like that very annoying in addition to what you brought up in your question so to answer your question is yes yes I do find that very annoying(sorry if this comment is confusing)


This is just me but I dunno, you guys ever feel irked or annoyed whenever you’re listening to a good song only to see someone make edits of a slowed or sped up? Reverb whatever, when the songs already good on its own? 


@GunslingerDeath101 yes also others like if someone in the story lost someone special to them in a scene but someone makes a edit or video that just try’s to make fun of it or downplay it and others that make songs that are made to just make fun of a good series instead of trying to make good music but either way I also find things like that very annoying in addition to what you brought up in your question so to answer your question is yes yes I do find that very annoying(sorry if this comment is confusing)


hey author I love the new chapter of (Sleepers Aren't Drones) also I like what is going on with Cyn/the absolute solver as if what I think is true is that when Y/n and Tricko where still on the Erlin eye the bot they found when searching for a core to replace lina's the mechanic sleeper of there group (at least that is what I think is happening in the memory of Y/n at the beginning of chapter 8) they found a disassembly drone or something like that that the absolute solver infected the core of so maybe it either relived linas life and gained affection for the sleepers or maybe the core worked and brought lina's frame back on line but it was the absolute solver that took over the body instead of lina coming back and so she started living with the sleepers by pretending to be lina and eventually she gained a real deep affection for Y/n and Tricko or something like that either way good job on the chapter author and co-author


New Chapter Released for Sleepers Aren’t Drones! 
          Chapter 8: “My Core Beats To The Void” 
          Hope you guys enjoy for this setting! 


@ GunslingerDeath101  When will the next chapter with The Amazing digital circus come out? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. 


@GunslingerDeath101 okay thanks you for a second I was worried thinking that you forgot about it


@Walterian ohhh that. It was in works but I just paused on it, but I’ll try make an upload for it.  I left it halfway around 5k words but will try to finish the rest when given 


great job on the new chapter of (Sleepers aren't drones) author and co author I am really enjoying it and I can bet with certainty that many others are too but either way keep up the good work


TYSM! We genuinely appreciate it, my co author does her best trying to help & her favorites of scenes she sparkles in to draw make everything better for some better toppings in our books! 


Recently I seen some new content and stuff for citizen sleeper 2. You know what that means! 
          More expansive story & lore to fill & extend for our Sleeper Drones! 
          Once citizen sleeper 2 releases in 2025. Updates are mostly slow, thoughts being processed and scenes tryna be made atm/drawn. But I’m doing my best to show activity thankfully, another thing! 
          Why must calculus be pain. 


@GunslingerDeath101 wow I did not know that the sleepers part of the story were from a franchise but either way I am looking forward to when the next chapter of (Sleepers aren't Drones)comes out and I hope you and your co author have a good rest of your night/day