Now that I think about it... should I name each chapters in Multiverse stuff?
I don't really add some topics and make surprise something, but just wanting to know if it easy for reader can... i don't know, understand?
The new updated has finally arrived!
Sorry for the late announcement. I fall asleep on my keyboard...
Anyways! The new chapter of Mha react universe story has arrived on part 2 book
Reminder: New chapter won't appear on the first book and again, I couldn't update it due to the bug
Hey guys! Just you know that I had finally updated the Mha react universes story.
But it not on the from the original what you called story because I couldn't created new chapter or anything due to the bug.
Good new is I created a part 2 book!
Go head and read it here!
Hello! Just a quirk or small announcement
I was close to update Universe story but something went wrong when I tried create new chapter or upload picture and got bug...
Idk why but stay tone for the new update!
For reminder:
Just taking small break and going to be slow update for Boku no Academia Universe story, since I'm tryin to focusing other important stuff
Life is hard tbh but times moving fast :T