
Remember everyone, you have until this Saturday, Eastern Standard Time, to post any questions you may have for me. I only have one, and while I will cover it, I’d like to cover as many questions as you all may have. So please, ask away here too as well. I hope everyone enjoyed season two, and I’ll see you in three ish days.
          	(Death Stranding got me feeling right now, I played it to death and would do it again.)


Remember everyone, you have until this Saturday, Eastern Standard Time, to post any questions you may have for me. I only have one, and while I will cover it, I’d like to cover as many questions as you all may have. So please, ask away here too as well. I hope everyone enjoyed season two, and I’ll see you in three ish days.
          (Death Stranding got me feeling right now, I played it to death and would do it again.)


I want to bring something that has come to my mind to you all. As of right now, I'm writing a story on a separate site, one that is more open to new stories to read. Would you all be interested in reading the story, or should I just continue as I have been with fanfiction? I merely ask to gain your opinion, as I know what people expect out of me presently. This doesn't mean I'll be stopping TBATE - An Undesired Reincarnation, by having two separate projects going at once, it lets me filter ideas and prevent burnout. So, my answer stands, would you all be interested in reading it? Thank you for understanding my thought process, and I hope you all have a great day!


@GurrenLaggan80 Ask what the other site is?


I've come to make an announcement, as of today, October 19th 2024, The Beginning After the End is getting an anime adaptation! Check out crunchyroll because they shown the trailer, and I swear it looks amazing!


@GurrenLaggan80 ok I just really like the story and am waiting for season 3 to get announced 


@KingVidar Well, I might not be able to, I lack the source material to go deeper after season two. If I did have the material for it, I could make it more, but I might not be able to. So my 86 story is currently on unconfirmed.


Perhaps, sort of got confused where to take it, but I have a plan, and I need some time. I know it got popular, so I’ll make the choice in regards to it soon.


I'm not dead, just taking too long to find inspiration. All the ideas I have are for the next season, which won't start until I finish season two and work on it for a bit, which I hate since I still have so much on my plate. I'm trying, but I may not pump out the content for a while more since it's summer. I'll do my best, thank you for bearing with me though.


Good news everyone, I'm likely close to putting in most of the meat and potatoes of the latter half of season two. This means, aside some smaller stories to lengthen and throw more in, the main parts that will drive the main story forward is nearly complete. I'm not sure when I'll get the additional small bits in, along with the smaller story threads I plan to put in, but I know I'm getting close as around sixteen parts are for the total of the grand story that's slowly unfolding. I took my time, reading as much of the story that I have access too (metaphorically, cause holy cow that would give me hundreds of LN chapters to read and I'm not doing that), but that only means soon, those who await the story to continue will soon be getting just that. This does not mean I'll be rushing each part, because trust me, I've been amping up the amount of words per part, from their previous 2000 or so to 3000 to 4000 per part. This means more enjoyment from everyone as I work on the story that truly drew me in to writing. Hang tight everyone, because I hope I can maybe get the parts I have to, maybe (don't quote me on this), to around 80 parts. I mean part one and two of season two coming out to as much. So, if you want to reread the story, maybe do it now, because I'm very random with my plans. Just know, if I do plan to continue the story, I may throw out something extra long to start off the return. Stay safe, and have a great day!


Hey all, so as you likely know by now, I’m actively reading the novel for TBATE, and it’s sort of throwing a lot of new information to light and it’s causing many of my existing plans to not be cohesive with how the world TurtleMe has created. As of right now, very little is affected, but it’s just enough that I have to take additional time to work around it. Luckily, I don’t have to change any of what happened before, but that does mean I need more time. Thank you all for the patience you’ve given me, I’ll make sure season two is the best I can make it for all of you. Stay safe, and have a good day.