
this message may be offensive
I apologize everyone, but the coach angst chapter will be put on hold. I got attacked by a dog, because some negligent bitch wasn’t watching her shit bull, and it bit my leg, while I was on the swings.
          	Animal control and authorities have been notified, and I am now healing up and resting. apologize for the delay. It will continue to be worked on whenever I’m not sleeping every few hours.


@GuyFierisGlizzy Oh dear...well this is gonna be a good way to get ready for spooky season 


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@JoyfulLeader thank you, so much! my leg is almost healed up, and I’m just about off the antibiotics. I’m literally praying on this bitch-ass cunt’s downfall. If THIS isn’t the wake-up call she needs to ABIDE BY THE LEASH LAW, and watch her fucking pit bull (and her damned kids, who she wasn’t watching either, cough cough) and not try and conceal evidence and flee from the scene, then I don’t know what the hell would be. I literally hope she gets hit by a truck, fr, on Peppa Pig 
          	  I’ve got a fucked up chapter brewing :3 there’s going to be a couple things following xD but this one, I’m kind of hesitant to write, because of the themes? I’m not gonna drop it, but I’m kinda feeling ehhh about it… so, there WILL be content warnings at the beginning!


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@GuyFierisGlizzy Oh jeez! I'm sorry about that. That sounded scary as hell. I'm glad you're okay though! (Nasty hoe should've been watching her dumbass dog smh)
          	  Thanks for the short little excerpts! They were pretty fun to read and I'm looking forward to more. Rest well, dude! 


this message may be offensive
I apologize everyone, but the coach angst chapter will be put on hold. I got attacked by a dog, because some negligent bitch wasn’t watching her shit bull, and it bit my leg, while I was on the swings.
          Animal control and authorities have been notified, and I am now healing up and resting. apologize for the delay. It will continue to be worked on whenever I’m not sleeping every few hours.


@GuyFierisGlizzy Oh dear...well this is gonna be a good way to get ready for spooky season 


this message may be offensive
@JoyfulLeader thank you, so much! my leg is almost healed up, and I’m just about off the antibiotics. I’m literally praying on this bitch-ass cunt’s downfall. If THIS isn’t the wake-up call she needs to ABIDE BY THE LEASH LAW, and watch her fucking pit bull (and her damned kids, who she wasn’t watching either, cough cough) and not try and conceal evidence and flee from the scene, then I don’t know what the hell would be. I literally hope she gets hit by a truck, fr, on Peppa Pig 
            I’ve got a fucked up chapter brewing :3 there’s going to be a couple things following xD but this one, I’m kind of hesitant to write, because of the themes? I’m not gonna drop it, but I’m kinda feeling ehhh about it… so, there WILL be content warnings at the beginning!


this message may be offensive
@GuyFierisGlizzy Oh jeez! I'm sorry about that. That sounded scary as hell. I'm glad you're okay though! (Nasty hoe should've been watching her dumbass dog smh)
            Thanks for the short little excerpts! They were pretty fun to read and I'm looking forward to more. Rest well, dude! 


I’m writing a new chapt for the l4d fanfic thing. Should it be focused on big daddy coach?


@ALLIGAT0R-B0Y coach angst coming soon⁉️️


Hey, all. I will be going fully inactive for a while… I am starting a project that is not fanfiction related. It is a “analog horror” (saying that with LOTS of hesitation, as in not entirely sure if it falls under that category or not) series that will be started in the summer.
          This inactivity will start in late May, and will likely last until September. I will put out one or two more chapters on Gamblin’ Hicks and the L4D OneShots, and go fully inactive for several months. I do apologize sincerely for this, as I understand how some have quite enjoyed my works… 
          …I will return in Fall, but until then…
          - Lee


@GuyFierisGlizzy oh and also i dont wanna sound clingy or anything but i do art comissions for free bc i want to be a good artist. and i also do fanfiction comissions also for free (but it wont have bad grammar and an incohesive plot) anyways luv ya!! this discount also goes for anybody reading this comment. let me know if youre having problems contacting me. i might open a discord account


@GuyFierisGlizzy i made an arg and im explaining the lore behind it  i also love blackout. moreover my text was a 6/10 in comprehension according to chatgpt so could you please clarify where your confusion is coming from. 
            the sun went missing and the world has gone mad, just check the blog out i'll be updating it every full moon xxxxx


Not dead, I swear… just got a stupid unmotivated brain.


@JoyfulLeader lmao, what if my dad goes to prison? That’d be lowkey kinda funny- ☠️


I T    I S    N O V E M B E R .
          Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! May your day be filled with all your favorite foods and I hope you spend some time with friends and or family! Tell them why appreciate them and thank them for being there. It’ll mean a lot to them, I’m sure!
          Also, on the off chance a fellow therian is reading this, remember that the 27th of November this year, is a full moon! So remember to celebrate Therianthropy day and the history of Therianthropy!
          Also, just for the meme and my mind is pretty much sludge atm… 
          Itis NNN brother, stay strong. I just had to delete YouTube kids just so I wouldn’t fail :(


this message may be offensive
@ALLIGAT0R-B0Y that cocomelon had me fucked uppppp  I had to delete yt kids or I would’ve gotten a little too silly 


Yo, if I get accepted onto Ao3, l'll be posting H E L L . there, since it's basically the Wild West. Oh, and there will probably be way less dignity in it. Just raw, disturbing, degenerate mental imagery-worse than it already was :)


@iPeed0nYou Joo.  Palvon Saatanaa täysin.  kirjallisuuteni on kirjoitettu indoktrinoidakseni Saatana viattomien mieliin! SAATANA ON TÄÄLLÄ.  NYT YLISTÄÄ SAATANA!
            (Lmao istg-)




@JoyfulLeader I knowwww. I don’t think the mods would understand that it was supposed to be ironic and edgy. I wonder if I could put it on Ao3…


@GuyFierisGlizzy Life has lost all meaning to me now . Screw you, guidelines 


@GuyFierisGlizzy also, to add on top of this, it wasn’t deleted ofc, just unpublished.


Hello, I have returned with another message!
          So, in honor of the best month, October, I will be writing mostly about fall. I *may* also write a considerable amount of gore as well, so do proceed with caution, if a work is noted to have excess gore.
          I may not be too active on Halloween, because my friend and I may be terrorizing the neighborhood together. If she can't come, then I'll be terrorizing everyone >: perhaps Bacon Purse style?
          Also, be prepared for a little guide to becoming the L4D hunter, to drop near or on Halloween. Just showing what you'll need, how to be cost efficient, and how it looks!
          So yeah, that's all. 


The neighborhood will never be the same after I recreate Bacon Purse on EVERYONE.
            October is so underrated too. It’s overshadowed by November and December. I’ve never seen a wendigo costume, but ghostface sounds just as cool! Killer from Scream, right? I’m going as the hunter this year! :D
            I’ve got some ideas lined up! Although most are just rough ideas, and a considerable amount are most likely going to be scrapped, just because they’re too generic or don’t make much sense or are just unfunny. But, I’ve still got some Ideas I’d like to bring to life!


@GuyFierisGlizzy Bacon Purse O_O
            Also, YESS October is the best month! I'm dressing up and hanging out on Halloween, still deciding on the costume (Thinking of either Ghostface or a Wendigo) but nonetheless excited! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


I’ll be taking a break from writing in December. Dunno what time in December, or for how long, but I plan on taking a break and just doing nothing for a bit. 
           I am putting Her Protector on hiatus for a while, possibly a few months as I have somewhat lost interest in it. I still WANT to finish it off, but after spending months on a story, you get a little burned out, ya know?
          The L4D oneshots will be going on for the foreseeable future, and I have many ideas for chapters.
          There is also a project coming in the future. Something so horrifying, so disgusting, and so absurd… it will may make you want to gouge your own eyes out with rusty sewing needles.
          Also, also, be prepared for a lot of fall/winter stuff. I don’t know why, but for some reason, my writing is somewhat influenced by the seasons. Things like environments and such, usually match the current season up here.
          That’s about it, now I need to continue cleaning the bird cages. Thanks for reading!


@JoyfulLeader you’re gonna absolutely love it 