
@HazelJ hiya! thanks for the welcome! yes, am reading the crossed swords inn story and loving it so much - am already worrying about it ending as it want it to go on forever as i love gwaine and beth so much. will check out your stories too - thanks!!!


@HazelJ hiya! thanks for the welcome! yes, am reading the crossed swords inn story and loving it so much - am already worrying about it ending as it want it to go on forever as i love gwaine and beth so much. will check out your stories too - thanks!!!


Hiya i just had to fan u when i saw your username! I love Gwaine sooooo much! Also u are reading The Crossed Swords Inn by Smint100 which is like on of my fav stories on here ever! yeh....hiya! Gwaine is amazing! If u wanna read i have a few fanfics....that have LOADS of Gwaine....but if u havent already finish crossed swords inn cause its amazing! :) So yeh....For the love of Camelot and Sir Gwaine! :)