Why do you hate me?? I did nothing to you your mom is the one that made us not be friends..
@AustynShepit i dont hate on you, I've never said anything mean to you at all after i stopped talking to you. its not my fault or my moms fault that we dont talk. its your fault, becuase your the one that made me feel like i had to choose between you and kirstyn (who she has always been there for me). and im not saying that you haven't been there for me all the time but there were times when you would back stab and bully. it was 'my' choice(not my moms choice or kirstyns) for me to stop talking to you. YOU were the one that made a fake account just to cyber bully her anonymously on the internet. and dont say that wasn't you because i have a witness and facts that you did it. you even went on my profile to find a picture of her to say mean things on 'My' account. do you know how sad that made me feel to see you putting down someone who used to be one of your best friends. you even still did it on your real account to bully her publicly on her old account that she hadn't been on. months after the fake account. we had long gone forgotten about it and you brought it back up again. and you even bullied my little brother at school. my little brother, i did hear his side of the story it was an accident and he said sorry couldn't you have forgave him, but no you had to make him mad( and you also know about his anger issues) but you just had to make a disgusted face at him after he apologized. but you know what im sorry for you, yes i mean it im sorry because i was going to forgive you until you started to cause trouble again. so please be a dear and just leave it alone now because I've made up my mind you'll never be a good person as long as you have all that hate in you. so it was MY choice to not be your friend so there you have it, the answer to why im not your friend. good bye and i hope you have great life 'without me.'