I'm seriously thinking about giving up on wattpad... What's the point of starting books and following new author's when all my favorite books and favorite author's have given up on wattpad too. I have started sooo many books and followed sooo many author's only to be left with utter disappointment. Almost all of my favorite books were taken down, discontinued, or moved to other sites... I mean I hate getting invested in these books only to be left hanging cause I can't afford to pay. Us lonely people who aren't in good health so they aren't able to work and are prone to depression because their loved ones are either always at work or school so we are always left on our own really look forward to reading the books they read on here. It actually helps.. it used to anyways. Now it just seems to add to the loneliness and depression when I get sooo invested in a book and author only to be left behind here too... Everytime I get on here I find that another book I was reading is gone or half of it has been removed so that what's left is a "sample". It's really sad to say that for the longest time reading on here is the part of my day that I looked forward to the most. Ridiculous I know.