@Gypsysmumma I will indeed. Thank you for your kind words and I would love to have you Beta read. I guess the easiest thing would be to send you a DM when I have an advanced reader copy of Feeding Frenzy ready to go. Talk to you then. Thanks again
@Gypsysmumma I am so happy you enjoyed it. I'll be sure to let all my followers know when the book comes out. I'm hoping some will join my beta read team. Now that the first book is almost ready to go and the next two books are drafted, I'm looking for some feedback so I can speed up the publishing process. More books out faster = more happy readers. -- At least that's the plan :-)
Thank you for following and for taking the time to read some of my stuff.
Check out the Challenge The Proud collection where you can find many kinds of short stories and links to the official site of the event where you can vote for the story you'd like to see at the base of a novel. Only 5 days left to vote.
This is the site. http://challengetheproud.com/short-stories/
Hi, I uploaded Part 2, "The Game's Afoot," to my Sun Moon Stars Rain script. I thought you may be interested in continuing reading it. Best Regards, JW