
hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been online at all on any websites, I am in fact having a very hard time irl. I regret to inform everyone reading this, I am quitting wattled pretty much. I'll hardly ever be online. as you might know, abortion is now a felony in where I live, and no, I did not consent. I'll let that speak for itself. please, do not expect me to be on all the time, I'm very stressed atm. if you want to speak to me, contact me on rpnation, I get motifs when I'm texted. my user is Azruduu on there. now, good day, noon, or night.


hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been online at all on any websites, I am in fact having a very hard time irl. I regret to inform everyone reading this, I am quitting wattled pretty much. I'll hardly ever be online. as you might know, abortion is now a felony in where I live, and no, I did not consent. I'll let that speak for itself. please, do not expect me to be on all the time, I'm very stressed atm. if you want to speak to me, contact me on rpnation, I get motifs when I'm texted. my user is Azruduu on there. now, good day, noon, or night.