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hi, i didn't expect to be gone for five months... i apologize for that. i cannot assure you if i will be fully active on here, but i will check things here from time to time. i would also like to say a few things so please continue reading if you want. tw , cw // woojin i want to address that i no longer support w00jin and will never support him after finding out who he really is and the things he's done are unforgivable. if you are uncomfortable because he's still in my book (i will be deleting everything about him), i advise you not to read it for now please. i will remove him from my book, basically delete his existence from the plot as he does not need to be there. i'm going to also going to delete my author's notes about him... i fucking hate him now. i will never ever support someone like him. please bare with me as it will take me a few days or weeks to edit him out because of my studies, but i will try to do as much as possible. thank you.