Heya everyone! So, I've been working on the CRK story, but theres another one im working on! This one will be titled: "Clans of A New Dawn" and is a WCUE based story. It will be set as 'mature' because of many graphic scenes. I also apologize for my frequent inactivity. Hope all of ya have a good day / night, and make sure to drink some water! <3


Heya everyone! So, I've been working on the CRK story, but theres another one im working on! This one will be titled: "Clans of A New Dawn" and is a WCUE based story. It will be set as 'mature' because of many graphic scenes. I also apologize for my frequent inactivity. Hope all of ya have a good day / night, and make sure to drink some water! <3


Hey guys! Sorry I have been inactive for a while. I plan on posting quite a bit of chapters very soon so make sure to stay updated on it! Also, I wanted to let you all know that eventually my sister will be posting her own story on my account.