*comment below!  specify optional.   


  *he'll start talking to a character after like two or so interactions... if he deems then  deserving LOL


⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛  ..  ya  don’t  like  the  smell?  sorry.
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ got  too  used  to  smokin’  round  my
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ clients.  ❜


                  *  @kondakus 
               [ NOSE.  crinkled,        eyes  narrowing,     disgust—  NO distaste is proper.      He could still feel it
                LUNGS tainted now.    POISONOUS air.      A menacing growl,     flows out into the air,  
                 H0WLER beyond midly
                DISPLEASED.         both by the STRANGER'S,      action.
               And his...     PRESENCE.    '  alright '   he SAID,       who was he to    TELL him.      Such a THING.   ]   .R..rr...


*     sorry  this  is  late  !!


the  man  puts  his  cigarette  out  under  his  heel,  holding  both  palms  up  in  a  placating  gesture.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛  ‘s  gone  now,  kid.  ‘s  alright.  ❜


                        ....     what is that in your mouth ...  .ᐣ    my goodness,   spit that out.   whatever it is can't be good for you.  


*   CHEW TOY ..    holds head in my hands im so sorry im so tired LMAO


                  *  @compressions
                 [    HAND,    reaches out accepting..      the thinly disposal paper.    He CARELESSLY,   wipes his palm with it,     instead of GRASPING
                them in it,   like he should've.    IT wouldn't leave scratches,    surely..
                    CRUMPLING tissue, 
                H0WLER hums in thought at the 
                   INQUIRY.    chew you?     Was that an invitation..       he AMUSED
                himself with a childish thought.   though he responds.     ]    no,  what's that?    


                     *  @compressions 
                  hes... gonna...eat the tissue../hj


                    (   it is late,   he should be home.   rumi expects him but no  -—    there is a child.   hurt.  beastly,   in some sense,   but that does not deterr sako;   especially not his heart.   she would understand.  )      child ..     you look cold.     please,   i wish you no harm.   


                    *  @compressions 
              [  EYES  grow.      IN size,        slitting     DANGEROUSLY.    he'd gotten relatively close,      the threatening sound  began to rumble
               IN child's throat.    But—  He simply turned head,  
                   BODY on the edge,    of collapse.   He let's go..          AND
                         he's falling over onto the ground,             FATIGUE.    setting in.
                   Perhaps this,       was him allowing the other,    a PASS      as well.         He couldn't  reject it
                Not within such a SORRY 
              State.     ]   


                            (   the other moves,    nothing too apparent on his flesh.    eyes try and gauge the issue,   using what is known to him.   was the left side hurt?    feet move.    one,   two  steps closer.    slowly,   he takes one knee,   more at - height.   less threatening.    a hand stretches out,   not too far.   )       would you like to come closer ..  ?      will you let me take a look?      i only want to help ..    i  [  promise.  ]


                *  @compressions 
              [   LIPS. tremble,  slightly,      a shiver overtaking him again.
                WHEN,   had the cold passed through?         Slight shift,    he winces    and a TEAR,    threatens to escape his gaze.      He dare not allow so,       not in front of a stranger.      Careful sniffs,      he knew it was   nothing.   HARMFUL.
                 but common knowledge,      he was...    UNARMED?     Shoulders,   briefly relax         H0WLER,  turns to right his side,      meaning his LEFT
                 was to view.     HIDDEN  was a 
              Burning pain,     dark  clothing  hid  whatever blood.       planned to seep through.        ]    


       you're  hurting..      [  saddened,   worried  gaze,  from  a  blonde  woman  to  a  child.  she  made  no  movement  towards  him  though.  she  could see it,  feel  it,  the  others  instinct  to  attack  was  very  clear.   but  he  was..  in  pain.   her  lip  formed  a frown,   how  could  she  get  him  to  see  she  wished  to  help?  [


   [   rumi  thinks  for  a  second,   slowly  kneeling  down  but  not entering  too  closely  within  the   boy's  space.   she  starts  lightly  humming,  as  if  to  comfort  the child  with  a  soft  sound.  words  wouldn't  do  any  good  at  the  moment.    she slowly  extends  her  hands  out,  his  direction,  but  doesn't  try  to  grab  for  him.  hise  wants  him  to  come  on  his  own.    on  a  soft  voice,  after  she  stops  her  light  humming,  she attempts  to  coax  him,  ]   i  won't  harm  you,   if  you're  able  to  come  to  me..   please  do  so  of  your  own  accord.    i  want  to  help  you, honey,  you're  in  pain.


               * @V0IICE 
                A a..Rr...   [   piercing    EYES  gaze at  the  woman,    suspicion as ALWAYS.     but  he  was  HURTING. 
                  wound  unattended,    ANOTHER 
            rough  fight.    He only    TENDED  to himself.    No  aid  given  by his
                OPPRESSORS.   even if  he wanted  to growl,      sound  CAUGHT
                    in  throat,    in  PLACE—    a murmur  of  pained    NOISES.    H0WLER'S   Hand  could  not  touch ground,        lips  tremble   and  he 
                 Inherently  looks  back  at  the blonde woman.      ]  


✧         IS THIS HIM ??    im still reading on the info but i LOVE him so far !!!


✧             i could never refund,   that's his son - to - be


✧             how could you do this ..  [weep]   


✧             ...    what are we waiting for,  /lh     sako is signing the papers immediately 


"wha  —  where did you even come from?! I swear I didn't hear a thing  ...  which is actually pretty cool!" he paused  ,  mouth pressing into a thin line. "um.. you have a   '  I'm about to bite you  '   look  ..  are you about to? not that there's anything wrong with that! bite away  ,  little dude. just preferably   /  not  /   me."


                      *  @LZRDS-
                              NUH UHH.
                mn..    [   sensing movement,    even the tiniest bit,      as  Nostrils flare.       and that..  Hunger   Returns.         hands. returned  to the  concrete,   whatever  mark was left
                 Or blood  drawn,    were  not a concern.     Or a  bother to   HOWLER.         it  was suspicious,  to hear CONCERN,       from a stranger.
                    though a small feeling tugged at heart,        to be  cared  for.      What  a simple  thing.          Trivial.
                But all  he  could  ask for.       WARY...         extremely.      ]


   /     HE STARTED IT!!
            his mouth snapped shut at the clear signs that he should   /  stop  /   talking. he may have let out a sheepish laugh  ,  would it not make noise. although his moment of silence was quickly interrupted as his brows furrowed in concern. "you're gonna hurt yourself .. " the words were whispered in hopes of avoiding anymore annoyance. "your nails." he clarified. if arata's shuffling around in his pocket indicated anything  ,  it was that the boy had already done harm  ,  or sustained an injury elsewhere. the teen found himself reluctant for either to be true.


                     * @LZRDS- 
                                   LEAVE HIM ALONNEEE
                 rrR..   Aa..   gh—    [     the  ringing in  his ears,       too much  NOISE.
                    AN   almost  bark  rumbles out of  his  throat,        a  Wolf life sound.     
                 eyes blazing  with  an  infinite    flurry.       Hatred?     No,    too early  for such  a  feeling. 
                         Annoyance  was  a satisfactory,         choice  of word.     hands  OPEN,       and close—   nails digging in  palm.         The  urge  to move in closer,      it was piling onto of him like large rocks.
                      COMPOSURE.    head  turns away,     eyes  closing and he gruff  out a sigh.       ]


*constructing his character,   interact or ask for starters.     though it may help to read the thread first  
               (  just a suggestion,  don't want others confused on his lack of speech.    )


           * @wardinqbond
                that one actually hurt my heart..     they're all so good.      i need them flowing through my veins 


⠀‎⠀ʚɞ‎ ⠀ i've  been  waiting  for  the  challenge  ever  since  the  leaks  from  last  year  broooo  the  wait  for  the  ithaca  saga  is  so  worth  it  T__T


                 * @wardinqbond
                bet,   ITS SO GOOD.      i've been bumping to warrior of the mind for like a year or so, it was a song i used for a previous oc...   bro got scrapped..


                      *SON  0F      H0UND D0G 
          thread information below,  dni there please.     


                     CLASSICAL music.
                it's calming,    maybe most music gives him.   A SENSE,   of awe.    singing especially.       womanly singing though.        The comfort of a mother's lullaby..    LOST with him.
                   CHEWING /  CHEWABLE  ITEMs
            things that'll soothe,    YOUNG mutt 
                TOOTHACHES.    as his fangs grow,    he has pains,    URGE to bite—    BECOMES  INTENSELY....     stronger.     [ dog ] TOYS,      the  rope,    tugging and  tearing it,     HELPS.   though       SOFT foods are.      COUNTED in  this  category.
                    Being  CARRIED
                  trusted INDIVIDUALS.  strictly.
                        and it's not CARRYING,   rides on the back—    to BEGIN.     in time,  wishing to  be picked up.        Or  carried like a SMALL.     child.
                   which HE    was still       small enough to. be carried.     WHILE  decent enough  size to–      FIGHT.
                      BLANKETS.   ( Soft specifically )
                  THE lush feel.     Of comfort on skin.       Ruined by   Cage battles.
                        HE DOESNT,   exactly have fur
            To keep warm,     in cold.     They don't supply him,     WARMLY clothing either.       So a soft coveted,  COMFORTING,   embrace of blanket..        makes him feel safer. 


    [  someone grab the adoption papers for my son sigh.   ]


     H0WLER,          not at all open to new people.   that's not to say he suspects all of wrongings.
                  but the mind and body work to keep one.      SAFE.         to give off an air of intimidation,  to reveal one's true nature—     he remains silent,   well..     NOT completely.
                 speaking you could say,   he growls, snarls.   would it even be a bark?   a warning,   leave me be.   STAY AWAY.   i  don't trust you, I don't want to.     fear pushes one to protect.  to be fierce.   his language is through the expressions he makes.    narrow of eyes,  maneuvering of brows,  lips pursing or forming a gnarly snarl/growlish upturn of the lip.   is NOT,   afraid to bite upon meeting.   is never fearful of biting.     he probably has less fears only self concerns for his future.             you'll most likely get a lot of angered or frowning looks from him to start. 