
I want to do a MHA x reader story but I don't know who to put or what qurik Y/N should have so who should it be and what quirk should y/n have ill put it in a vote I just need answers! 


@H0neyNO  have you watch Black clover because if you have them can you make black clover x  runway princess and the king told the wizard king to help the his daughter and since reader-chan is a princess she disguised as a commoner who is in the black bulls.(if you want)


@H0neyNO  teleport and summoing weapons 


I want to do a MHA x reader story but I don't know who to put or what qurik Y/N should have so who should it be and what quirk should y/n have ill put it in a vote I just need answers! 


@H0neyNO  have you watch Black clover because if you have them can you make black clover x  runway princess and the king told the wizard king to help the his daughter and since reader-chan is a princess she disguised as a commoner who is in the black bulls.(if you want)


@H0neyNO  teleport and summoing weapons 