Hurrah, I'm not dead.


Hello, I'm a new reader of your shipping book and I quite say the book really interested me and made me feel kind of guilty of myself because there are a tons of animes I haven't watched yet
          Btw, I also respect your opinions about the ships in the book because I'm not your average Twitter user


It's an honor :)


@Polychromatism Thank you, non-average twitter user. I'm glad you enjoyed my ramblings.


Alright, so I still have a couple of things to take care of, but I'm gonna have to go back into the void. College has caught up to me. So I'm not going to write much for until the end of next week.
          Apologies for the inconvenience.


OK, just to clarify, if anyone got insane EBNE updates, then just know it was my bad. Apparently there are two ways to spell Brittany so I edited all of it.
          Any who, I'm currently wrapping up the next EBNE adventure/update. It will take until after the next volume unless RoosterTeeth goes off the deep end.
          I have the next set of Shipping Book chapters ready, save for one ship that I'm trying to remember. So look forward to that. And no, I didn't pull politics into it. So be happy.
          If you're waiting for the next Fate/Legion update, expect something when Heaven's Feel is released for DVD, as Apocrypha doesn't cut it for my renewed interest. Sorry for the hiatus. Writer's block has me stuck.
          Lastly, I'm working on a little project for another of Gen Urobutcher's works. I haven't been at it too much, but I'm curious how many of you care for a dark chapter of Madoka Magica? (Cause it wasn't dark enough, already) To give you an idea of the plot, I've essentially added an antagonistic male character who is a wraith that Homura gave form to after the events of Rebellion. As a nod to the show, it will be ten chapters long, so it should be something of a short story. Anyone care for that?


I have no idea what to write. Well, specifically I don't know what to continue writing. I have ideas for RWBY bios, Fate/Legion (which I need to get back to), and the shipping book. So I'd like to know what everyone else thinks. What would you like me to continue?


Well now. I'm going to be back at Fate/Legion for a while. I've finished outlining the story, but this next chapter may take a bit. It'll come out, of course, but due to Ulquihime shipping and a writer's block it won't be out until Friday or Saturday... hopefully. 
          On an unrelated note, the waifu special chapter in the Shipping Book is still open. I've wondered if that wasn't clear. Aw well. Until then mortals.