
Haha well
          	I haven't logged onto here in yEARS


The more I look into the Warriors fandom, the more I see two classes of people; the way-too-focused-on young kids with cliche characters and plotlines who have "insane XDddd" characters, and will literally fight you over their Mary Sue characters. I was like that when I was nine or so years old (six years ago), so I hope these people grow up a little and don't get too much hate, because getting attacked like that is scary and it's made me nervous about posting things to this day.
          ...And then there's cynical, bitter older people who tend to have hypocritical views, literally attack children for not knowing any better, and want you to be an ABSOLUTELY PERFECT WRITER or else you are an utter DISGRACE.
          The latter kind of makes me scared to post my Warriors fanfiction attempts because like...What if I do one little thing that they view as "wrong" and get put on their blacklist and suddenly all their fans are hating on me?
          With one of these people I discovered that I had a lot in common with but am afraid to speak to them because, again, I could just say ONE THING WRONG.
          Like tbh the Creepypasta fandom is better than this come on 
          Might delete this later, just getting some feelings off my chest


Foxpaw's Spirit unpublished because I got a better idea for it 
          That better idea being using all three of the sibs because I feel like I've developed them so much that it's just a shame to put them on the back burner
          Plus siblings helping each other be the best they can be is my aesthetic-