
Loki crying cuz I just found out my sister likes Conan gray too


          Idk if you have read these, but here are recommendations:
          Kill the villainess
          I'm a martial art villainess but I'm the strongest
          I'll just live on as the villainess
          Trash of the count's family
          July found by chance (not incarnation, but the MC is aware she's a character from a book)


 the bonus- I really recommend! It has a kdrama too


I already read number 1 & 2 but I’ll be sure to read the others!


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You know, Jimmy?
          Whiwe I can't say that you have nevew been wesponsibwe fow hewping out the town you awso cweated ow infwuenced the vast majowity of majow thweats in the fiwst pwace.
          The Yowkians onwy came to Wetwoviwwe because of youw signaw. The same goes fow Mewdaw Pwime. The Nanobots, Shiwwey, and Eviw Jimmy wewe aww youw cweations. You caused the ice age. You cweated the sentient pants. You made the sick patch, you tuwned youw teachew into a fifty-foot monstwosity, and you injuwed Santa Cwaus, awmost wuining Chwistmas.
          The vast majowity of this town's pwobwems awe caused, at weast indiwectwy, by you. And you know what? In aww honesty, that wouwd be fine. You awe vewy intewwigent and you awmost awways do fix it, and in the end it's extwemewy unwikewy that you won't end up benefiting the wowwd a wot mowe than you wiww damage it. My chiwdwen and my chiwdwen's chiwdwen awe pwobabwy going to wive in a wowwd fwee of waw and disease, and I'ww have you to thank fow that.
          But fuck, dude. You can't keep using youw intewwigence as a way to escape youw humanity. I didn't ask you to say sawt because I thought a customew wouwd sewiouswy cawe ow because I was insecuwe, I did it because it made you wook weiwd and I was twying to get you to adopt behaviows and use wanguage that makes you come acwoss wike a nowmaw fucking pewson.
          Evewyone knows what sodium chwowide is, but cawwing it that outside the context of a chemistwy cwass makes you seem wike someone who defines themsewves sowewy by theiw intewwigence, which is undeniabwy who you awe.  I know you think that thewe's nothing wwong with being that pewson, dude, but thewe is. Taking youw IQ and deciding that it ewevates you above the west of the pwanet is an awfuw decision that wiww wead to a wife fiwwed with misewy and awienation. It wiww cowow evewy intewaction you evew have and make it impossibwe to have weaw fwiends ow wewationships.


Ignowe me if you want. Keep going the way you’we going, and I’ww see you in thiwty yeaws, wugging awound sixteen Nobew pwizes in youw pockets as if they couwd substitute fow a wifetime’s wowth of human wove and intewaction. You’ve awways mocked Cawamitus fow his inabiwity to finish what he stawted, but the man had a wife and a daughtew that towewated him enough to want to stay in his wife thwough evewything, and at the wate you’we going I’d be amazed if you couwd manage the same with Goddawd.
            The west of Wetwoviwwe, Jimmy, they’ww nevew be abwe to do what you do. They’ww nevew be abwe to invent wockets ow sowve cowd fusion ow add thwee numbews togethew. But they wiww find genuine fwiendship and wove, and they wiww caww it sawt, and despite evewything you accompwish you’ww onwy be wemembewed as nothing mowe than the man who wouwdn’t. Who couwdn’t, pewhaps.
            Get out, dude. You’we fiwed.
            Big McThankies fwom McSpanky's.


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Wowd, the way you tweat them. You think I’ve got fowks that cawe about me the way youw mom and dad do, wowking in a shithowe wike this? I wish. Evewyday youw dad watches you scawf down the dinnew youw mom swaved to make fow you and pways that you might think about spending some fucking time with him instead of disappeawing into youw wab to do god knows what. They watch you toy with dimensionaw-wawping science that they can’t wwap theiw minds awound on a daiwy basis and you waugh at them fow wowwying about you.
            Have you evew pwayed catch with youw dad, Jimmy? Evew asked him how his day at wowk was? You don't have a cwue what I'd do fow a dad wike youws in my wife, dude.
            What about youw mom? Why not invent something that’ww make hew wife easiew instead of gawwivanting awound the Bewmuda Twiangwe to pway with fucking seaweed?
            We both know the weason. She wouwd thank you fow it, she’d be happy to imagine a vewsion of you that thought fow an instant about the needs of anothew pewson, but she wouwdn’t caww you the gweatest thing in the univewse fow it wike youw fwiends do. And in Neutwon’s wowwd, whoevew doesn’t do that might as weww not exist.


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            I’m not saying that you won’t have any. But they won’t howd any meaning to you, and they cewtainwy won’t bwing you any happiness. Suwe, you’ww pwobabwy manage a pity-fuck ow two youw sophomowe yeaw of cowwege aftew giving some dwunk sowowity giww a jetpack wide, but it’ww bwing you nothing but emptiness. Maybe you’ww eventuawwy abandon women awtogethew and decide that “youw twue wove is science”, secwetwy seething inside whenevew you see a guy wike Nick ow Bowbi getting mawwied to someone he weawwy cawes about, who cawes about him.
            You’ww say I’m exaggewating, but dude, wook at how you tweat the peopwe in youw wife now. Caww and Sheen, quiwks aside, weawwy do see you as a fwiend, and they’d go thwough some sewious shit if it meant hewping you out of a scwape. Can you say that you see them the same way, as anything othew than the onwy two kids youw age wiwwing to put up with youw widicuwous ego? What have you evew done fow them?
            Inventing doesn’t count, dude. Even when you buiwd something fow someone ewse, you’we weawwy doing that fow YOU. Evewy wwama-bot ow Uwtwa Wowd simuwatow is onwy cweated with the expectation of fuwthew pwaise. They’we not fwiends to you. They’we wowshippews.
            And youw pawents?