I’ve been so quiet but guys, I’ve just finished my 3 year law degree and I’m starting my dream job very soon?? Life is crazy 


@H4KIMI ahhh u go girlie


This sh!tty jey uso booking might be what makes me stop watching WWE again. I’m so sick of them not having him win a title/king of the ring and there’s absolutely no point in having him with money in the bank bc who can he cash it in on? It’s so obvious they’re gonna do the whole “he needs his family to win” angle to get him and jimmy back together, only to then do the stupid bloodline civil war story that none one cares about 


It’s not just Jey Uso who is being booked stupidly as well. Cody’s booking on smackdown doesn’t make sense half the time, there’s no real feud he’s in because clearly they didn’t plan ahead enough and probably expected him v the rock at summerslam. People are going to lose interest which isn’t even his fault as he’s great on the mic and can be a great face (and a even better heel) the booking is just crap 


Spurs are so pathetic they can F off 


@H4KIMI sonny missing an open 1v1 did it for me 


@RASHFORDSWIFEX honestly they should’ve been relegated instead of Luton. Ange deserves a better club 