Hey guys! I know I have't been on in a while... Me and my bf are doin' very well. I hope ya'll are doin' good.


I have a boyfriend. I have a family. I have guy best friends. I have girl best friends. I have friends who like me but I don't like them back. For those who do, I know how it feels to like someone and to know that they don't feel that way about you. My boyfriend had to go through that for a while. I thought of him as a best friend for a while. Now we are dating because he told me how he felt and that made me relise  my feelings for him. He helped me through a lot things and now he is helping me through every second of my life and I am doing the same for him. We  talk on the phone very night. I love him and he loves me. Most of my friends  that went to a different school really don't know anything that's going on in my life. I miss them so much! I elementary school I liked this kid in third to grade to find out in 5th grade that he like me that year and two years after that. If I had known that, the things I'm going through right now may not even have happened. It is amazing when you think about things like this. Take my life as an example, only live life moment by moment. Make sure you know the people around you because later in life you may see them again and they might change your life. I just put my feeling into this. I wish I could put it on all the media profiles I have so they could read this and know what I am feeling on the outside.


meant to type on the inside