And I really wanna thank y’all for the sweet comments about our Overwatch book. They truly made my day and kept the smile on my face up to this day. Every little complement makes me feel much better about myself and keeps it going, I swear. Unfortunately, it is discontinued for now, as my interest in Overwatch had died a little since then. But we MIGHT find the tiniest ray of inspiration to continue it again one day. So not all hope is lost!
          	For now, just enjoy and stay tuned for for more chapters of our newly published book: Truth or Dare with the BFB characters! And if you’ve never heard of/watched that show, I highly recommend you do so! It’s a fun web series about a competition right on YouTube, and it only gets better by every season! See you guys next time for any more updates! Love you all! <3


          And I really wanna thank y’all for the sweet comments about our Overwatch book. They truly made my day and kept the smile on my face up to this day. Every little complement makes me feel much better about myself and keeps it going, I swear. Unfortunately, it is discontinued for now, as my interest in Overwatch had died a little since then. But we MIGHT find the tiniest ray of inspiration to continue it again one day. So not all hope is lost!
          For now, just enjoy and stay tuned for for more chapters of our newly published book: Truth or Dare with the BFB characters! And if you’ve never heard of/watched that show, I highly recommend you do so! It’s a fun web series about a competition right on YouTube, and it only gets better by every season! See you guys next time for any more updates! Love you all! <3


I am complete utter Sombra trash, ladies and gents.
          -Lyan >;P


???: @HARDCORE-FANATICS, same. I like her, so uh... Are you ok? You haven't been updating lately, not that I want to rush you or anything! Just, I guess concerned. You just have one great story so don't give up now! I bet you'll be a very popular author soon with your story!