" was that music i just heard yours ? "

“i—” just as a witty reply was about to leave her mouth, the woman’s warrant had eden closing it just as fast. every once in a while she’d make eye contact with a stranger, a random passerby that never once would sense the panic in her silver eyes. her heart would drop every time they’d look at her than look away, carrying on with their own business like they hadn’t just walked by a potential murder victim. “this is just sadistic. . .” she mumbled, the arm that pulled her in closer hadn’t scared her anymore— if anything it only irritated the woman. “i don’t like these games,” what was probably only ten minutes felt like an eternity && a part of eden wished she’d just died back there— that’s how done she was with everything. / @damerougee IT WAS MEH— I’M GLAD I GOT ONE OVER WITH THO </33

she wanted to snatch the lamented card out of the woman’s hand, soft && almost hopeless growl leaving her lips at the sight of it in the other’s hand. eden knew that because the stranger had her ID, she must’ve also had her wallet. /great/. “what are you going to do with me, if we get back?” she tried to tread waters carefully but what left her was extremely blunt && agitated sounding. eden wanted to know if what was left waiting for her at the stranger’s house was worse than trying to make an escape— there was a lingering thought in the back of her mind that told eden she wouldn’t be getting an answer though. the flirting had gone right over the woman’s head, taking everything this lunatic said with a grain of salt. / @damerougee SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY BABEZ I HAD AN EXAM TODAY N AHHH