Oh! Hai!
          	Sampaikan Salam Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua beragama Islam. Dapatkan ceritera terbaru daripada saya @Qalby.com berjudul STORY OF MY SECOND HERO terbitan @HasanatulQalby.com sekarang. Ikuti hasil kerja saya bersama sama agar saya mampu mempunyai teman sewaktu menyiapkan kerja saya terbaru ini. Apa apa pun Selamat Menyambut Hari Lebaran Aidil Fitri dan Selamat Menyudahkan Ibadah Puasa anda semua. Salam. 


Oh! Hai!
          Sampaikan Salam Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua beragama Islam. Dapatkan ceritera terbaru daripada saya @Qalby.com berjudul STORY OF MY SECOND HERO terbitan @HasanatulQalby.com sekarang. Ikuti hasil kerja saya bersama sama agar saya mampu mempunyai teman sewaktu menyiapkan kerja saya terbaru ini. Apa apa pun Selamat Menyambut Hari Lebaran Aidil Fitri dan Selamat Menyudahkan Ibadah Puasa anda semua. Salam. 


Wellcome to my story! 
          Everybody wish you all the best in Happy Belated New Year season 2020. And I'd do beleived that all of you will coming through with the best way in order to update a new and existing story whoulch will give more better advantage letter on. I and my inspiration will always been here together with your vision and mission as we'd di really care and concerned for many years ago. Wish you all the best and good luck to all of you. Thanks everything. 


Dear friends,
          Thanks for every single moment of time being with us as well to gether again. I do appreciated for those whoulch do really concern on my works as well. So do I have to beleive in my self that I could do more better fot tomorrow perhaps. Thanks for getting along with us again. Thank you for all. 


I'd just has been appreciated by you for my new story of A STORY OF...LITTLE JOHN DEWAYNE.I do feelin gratefull to all of you.And in the meantime I thankfull for you to all readers in concerning of my works.Thanks again once more.I'd personaly appreciated for what all of you doing in a right lifetime moment by doing right things.


I'd just posted a new chapter titled LAMBAIAN TERAKHIR of my story LORONG KENANGAN today.And I'd do hope it's gonna make you happy till the ending story.By the way, let me congratulate my story readers just for being with me and for those whoulch do really appreciated my works done.Thanks to all of you for being doing good just for getting reading my story that I'd just published.Thanks.


I'd do just published my work Purnama Tika Merindu for my story of Romance In Paradise just a few hours ago.And I'd personaly do beleieved that all of you hopefully could enjoy it.Thanks for giving me your support by spend your vote from time to time.I'm appreciated for what I did.And thanks again once more for your cooperated.