
Ps. This isnt really my personal account bc my bff, Alex, writes on here occasionally. It was ment to be but eh.
          	So what.


Hello! My name is Leo (actually its Lyleo, but thats weird so we're sticking with Leo)
          So recently, i found out my bff has wattpad, but he told me hes kinda getting tired. On wendesday #KlanceyLoveDisShip can confirm, but he writes on his kindle and doesnt have service so wendesday is when we go to thw library. But yeah.
          I met Alex when i was seven... And no, its not like that. Alex is gay and im straight. Its platonic.
          But yeah.
          So im writing his stories for him.  He still does stuff on wattpad, and hes the one with most of the ideas so this is kinda both of our accounts since he knows my email AND my password (jerk)
          But im two years younger than him, soooo. Im eleven.
          But who cares, really.
          His account was just kinda getting out of order and he has finals (apparently eighth grade sucks?? Im only in sixth... So. Puberty age.
          And theres actually a picture of me on his account (before i cut my hair)
          Its in a story called 'my drawings' or something like that.
          I only recently got a phone and email...
          I have clairification from Alex, and we see eachother every wendesday. He kinda plans my life.
          Like, i was out with my mom and she was likw "you look nice" and i was like "thank alex, he picked."
          She just kinda looked at me, "you let Alex pick your clothes? Plan your night out?"
          "Alex plans my entire life"
          Which i wasnt lieing, he really does.
          But adios amigos!


            Im going to bed.
            Stop making my notifications go cray-cray (dont touch me)


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@HCabinNine fine.
            But you ow me a cuddle.
             (No guys. Its platonic. And if another one of you pms me saying you "Ship it," or that you ship "Aleo" then here. My names alex. But you can call me the person watching through your window.
            I have blackmail.
            Shut the fuck up. Ita leo. Shes my bff. Fuck off)
            And we get to watch "A new hope" again.


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@KlanceyLoveDisShip ...dude.
            My mom would kill you.... I mean, unless you used the ladder........
            Please dont...
            I sont doubt you would......
            Remember that one time you came over at 2;30 just to get popcorn... I mean sure. It was a starwars marathon (that you didnt invite me to... Ass hat) 
            But seriously?
             I mean i forgave you bc you let me come... Luckily you didnt wake mom up.
            But seriously. I walked all the way down the road to your house in a crop-top, shorts, and a fuzzy blanket............ For you....
            But please not again.....