
Chapter 2 of my new Gyutaro fic now posted on my Ao3 account ❤️


New story! To any Demon Slayer fans, I have posted the first chapter to my new Gyutaro fanfic—Flawed Desires. I’ll post the link below but you can find it on Ao3 under the name Holsiee. 
          Please do comment over there and let me know what you all think, it’s an idea I’ve had for agesss now and was dubious about writing due to the choice of MMC being an unpopular one amongst the demons! I know he’s not the prettiest (to everyone except me hahah) but trust me, it’ll be worth it  (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)


This is the summary for those interested:
            Mortal and Demon, shunned from society by their afflictions and choices. Forced to live among the shadows of the night, in the shadows of others.
            Twenty-eight years before the events of the Entertainment District Arc there was Haru. A young woman driven to work the streets alone with nothing but her body and tempting words.
            One moonlit night, she encounters a shadowed immortal in the dark underbelly of the entertainment district. Drawn to the enticing blood flowing through her veins. He craves her flesh, more than any human he has devoured in his century-long existence. But can he resist his demonic desires enough to see her for more than just another quarry to satisfy his hunger? To allow this sweet human into the dangerous life of a demon. Can Haru embrace the cruel darkness of this hateful man’s heart? To bring light to a soul that has never truly known love.


Sad to hear that you’re leaving Wattpad soon but it’s all very understandable. I have searched your handle on AO3 and it’s saying you don’t exist  I don’t know if it’s already here but could you post your new handle for AO3 somewhere so we can continue to support you? 


@Nixmeri It should be under Holsiee ❤️ thank you for continuing to support my work, it means the world! I have a new story that I’m writing and will be posting some day soon. It’ll be a character from the Demon Slayer world but I will  be making an announcement on here when the first chapter has been posted on Ao3 if it’s something you’re interested in reading  


I’m planning on moving over to Ao3, I’ve already posted all of ‘Unwanted’ on there and I’m going to start posting ‘Firefly’ over as well. I will keep my works that are already published on Wattpad for the time being but all new stories and updates will be on Ao3 from now on. 
          A few of my fellow writer friends have been affected by wattpads new guidelines and I don’t agree with it at all! I don’t want to worry about my works being removed or even my account either with any future purges—especially seeing my stuff is NSFW. You can find me on Ao3 under the username Holsiee. I would really appreciate the support over there ❤️


So sorry babes but I’m so happy you’re finally giving it a shot ❤️ once you get past the technicalities it grows on you 


@0takuwu luckily I haven’t had any of my works targeted yet but someone I know constantly had her stuff taken down and after fighting it they removed her account so she was forced to move over to Ao3 :( Wattpad just isn’t the same these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m definitely looking forward to trying something new though ☺️ Sorry about all the issues you’ve had as well, maybe Ao3 will be the way forward for your original works? Love you too ❤️❤️


@the-writing-girl definitely! ❤️❤️


To any fans/readers of my Shigaraki fic—Unwanted. I have finished editing the story and will be uploading the updated chapters in the next hour or so. Nothing major has been changed in the plot, I just felt it needed a little bit of a tidy up ☺️ Have a good day or night—wherever you are in the world ❤️


@HDoll24 another shiggy fic but this time in his current look would be interesting ^^ I lov him in both versions, but his long curls make me scream XD❤️


@HDoll24 mmm OK I'll read it soon!!!!^-^❤️❤️❤️


@arty_the_artist2002 I have a Shoji fic, Firefly. He might not be a favourite for some people but believe me, I think it could change your mind :D I haven’t got any other MHA stories lined up, maybe a few bonus scenes for my existing fics. I have a demon slayer story that I might start writing soon though but again, it’s not a character everyone would usually gravitate to XD


Happy Valentines Day to all you wonderful people ❤️


@HDoll24 That's good, honestly, I've read a lot of fics with Shiggy in my life, but it was Unwanted that I read the best, literally, it pulled me in for hours XD and soo, keep it up, because you have a lot of talent ^^


@Noteviddiaa oh definitely not! I love writing, just wish there was more time in the day to indulge in the hobby! 


@HDoll24 Good to know because I was already worried that you had given up writing for good ;~; BUT I more or less understand and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will somehow work out for you there❤️❤️❤️


I have just finished 'Unwanted' and omg. i cannot explain how much i loved it, it's put  me through a roller coaster of emotions, yes. but that is the best shiggy fic i have ever read. not to mention, toga and mina's friendship>>> =chefs kiss, nd yes, that fic made me wanna kill overhaul even more. that will forever be my fav shiggy fic.


@iampersonwhowrites reading that has really made my day, thank you! ❤️ it means a lot to me for you to say that. I’m so happy you enjoyed the story, it was my first ever time writing a full length story so it definitely needs some refining (which I’m currently in the slow process of doing actually!:D) It’s funny, Overhaul is one of my favourite villains, except for soft boi Shiggy ofc, but he seemed to fit his role in Unwanted the best! Haha! 


Helluu ^-^ Do you have plans to write another shigaraki x fem!!reader love book? I'm hungry for this guy and your writings <3


@HDoll24  EDIT. uh oh only now i realized i put this under the wrong post SOEEY  XDDDD I'm very happy to hear that ^^ Tomura is my favorite character in the whole bnha and your story perfectly fits what I was looking for all the time, because unfortunately there are quite few fics about him ;-; especially in such a beloved&cute version... THERE SHOULD BE MAMY MORE OF THEM  MORE ❤️❤️‍


@Noteviddiaa aww you’re too kind! Yes I do too! He definitely has the softest side for his lady ❤️ and ideas are always welcome! Thank you for being such a lovely supporter ( ˘ ³˘)♥ 


I can always give you ideas ʕ`◡`ʔ



@mrsackxrman thank you beautiful, so relieved to finally finish this one hahah <33


@HDoll24 That's amazing! congrats on completing another story love <33