
"excuse me- could you guide me to the nearest with kitchen tools?"


            After he'd walked out, Calli picked up the gift carefully, as if it were simply glass. She looked over the shape of it closely, tapping the tip with her finger before nodding to herself and looking up at the cashier. "He was nice, wasn't he?" She mused, "I hope he has fun at his pizza party."


            he grinned as he took a knife with a pale blue blade, and placed it on the counter, pushing the blades forward along with a wallet. "cash or card- actually, i'll pay with card." he murmured as he took his debit card and placed it into a card reader as he typed his pin, therefore buying all the knives on the table, before lending calli the pale blue knife. "a gift from me to you - my thank you, to you." he exclaimed with an almost deranged smile as he took the knives and placed them into a bag, walking out of the store.


            Calli smiled again, half laughing ( her laugh sounded like the chiming of bells) and clearly enjoying his company. She waved to the man on the counter, who waved back fondly. 
            She turned to him as he turned to her, brushing off the layers of her long skirt and gazing with the eyes of someone whose third eye was just a little too open. "I currently find myself particularly fond of pale blue. Why?"


"  what  are  you  doing  ,  isabella  ?  "  jeremy  asked  under  his  breath  as  he  watched  the  younger  ,  who  was  pouting  as  she  wrote  furiously  in  her  diary  .  
          "  a  song  .  "  she  answered  ,  humming  quietly  back  as  she  continued  writing  --  too  in  her  zone  to  notice  anyone  else  or  anything  else  .  "  it's  to  daddy  .  "  she  replied  ,  writing  more  .  jeremy's  eyes  flickered  to  the  door  ,  noticing  calli  in  the  doorway  .    
          " you  actually  decided  to  show  up  to  detention  ,  "  he  grinned  slightly  ,  nodding  to  bella  ,  "  she's  ignoring  everyone  ,  but  we've  been  here  forever  .  "  forever  ,  really  ,  only  being  five  minutes  .  still  ,  nobody  cared  for  specifics  ,  did  they  ?


"  sorry  ,  /  bella  /  hates  her  .  "  he  answered  gently  ,  correcting  himself  before  shrugging  .  "  she's  going  to  kill  me  for  missing  her  cheerleading  recital  .  "
            "  i  think  we  are  ,  i'm  losing  track  of  days  and  everything  ,  "  she  giggled  softly  before  nodding  ,  "  it  made  me  sad  and  i  threw  a  tantrum  .  "  she  answered  before  humming  softly  ,  "  i've  got  a  few  lines  but  here's  my  favourite  :  you  tell  me  what  to  say  and  wear  ,  you  say  that  it's  because  you  care  .  but  i'd  prefer  to  be  alone  ,  than  live  a  life  that's  not  my  own  .  "  she  sung  gently  ,  grinning  brightly  .  "  those  are  my  favourite  lines  so  far  .  "


            "I don't hate anybody," Calli replied, a small pout forming on her face, "that's a strong word, Jere.."
            Callista played with the fabric of her long cardigan, sighing. "Not you too," she teased, "are we gonna have to start using Jere as a personal calendar? And that's not nice of him. What's the song go like?"


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"  'lina  isn't  a  bitch  ,  she's  just  difficult  .  i  don't  know  why  you  two  hate  her  .  "  jeremy  answered  ,  sighing  quietly  .  everyone  knew  carolina  was  definitely  not  just  difficult  ,  and  that  she  was  just  a  bitch  .  
            "  i  think  we  do  ...  i  think  ?  "  she  hummed  quietly  ,  shaking  her  head  a  little  before  pouting  .  "  yep  ,  he  forced  us  to  stop  being  friends  'cause  she's  /  dangerous  /  ,  apparently  .  she  was  nice  to  me  ,  though  .  and  her  brother  used  to  play  dolls  with  us  .  daddy  just  hates  me  being  happy  ,  i'm  sure  .  "


"  don't  ask  questions  ,  calli  ,  but  you  see  that  next  alleyway  ?  turn  into  it  .  "


bella  gave  a  quick  nod  ,  eyes  flickering  to  the  alleyway  entrance  .  "  yeah  ,  good  idea  .  "  she  whispered  back  ,  peering  her  head  out  to  glance  to  see  if  they  were  still  being  followed  .  she  hated  killing  in  front  of  calli  ,  but  ,  sometimes  needs  must  --  and  she'd  rather  them  live  than  die  .


            Calli's mouth parted in understanding and she gave a quick nod, staying behind Bella. You'd think the daughter of the police chief would know how to protect herself, but she'd always been hopeless at fighting. It didn't help that she wasn't the biggest fan of gore. "Can I cover my eyes..?" she whispered softly to her friend.


            a  gentle  hum  left  the  blonde's  lips  as  she  turned  into  the  alleyway  ,  lightly  tugging  calli  with  her  as  she  pressed  them  against  the  wall  ,  holding  a  finger  to  her  lips  as  she  reached  for  her  knife  .  "  creeps  .  "  she  mouthed  ,


          Calli froze for a moment, thinking hard. His name rung a bell, but she wasn't sure why - but that just made her more curious. "I've heard your name," she said, looking off thoughtfully, "which isn't always a good thing, when people know my dad... It's nice to meet you, anyway."
          She started swaying again, smiling as she tilted her head to the left to match him.


          Callista smiled up at him and shrugged. "Neither does he, if you look at how much overtime he puts in. I'm Callista... you are?"
          Her tone was the same as always: soft, dreamy, and altogether oblivious. She swayed slightly on her toes as though staying still was an impossibility, twisting some of the longer strands of straw-blonde hair. Her gaze itself was slightly off, though. She was looking at him, but her eyes seemed just slightly out of focus - as though she was looking through him. 


"  calli  !  "  bella  giggled  as  she  walked  into  school  and  approached  her  best  friends  locker  ,  "  we  have  maths  first  ,  right  ?  i  barely  finished  my  homework  for  it  .  "  by  finished  ,  she  meant  convinced  jeremy  to  do  it  for  her  .  she  lifted  her  bag  up  her  shoulder  ,  grinning  slightly  .  "  did  you  finish  yours  ?  "


"  i  am  no  such  thing  -  "  she  giggled  gently  ,  "  people  don't  gotta  be  bullies  .  "  she  answered  with  a  shrug  .  "  i'm  luckier  ,   promise  --  probably  be  fine  still  ,  'm  sure  .  "


            "You are a hot head," Calli giggled, teasing, "especially with your dad- or when people are callin' me shît. "
            Her soft little voice did not match her language.
            "I'm lucky to be your best friend. Don't know what I'd do without you and Jere."


"  teachers  are  dummies  .  but  i  got  told  they  think  i'm  too  much  of  a  hothead  .  which  is  nonsense  !  "  she  huffed  slightly  ,  shrugging  the  jacket  on  before  shaking  her  head  .  "  they  /  should   /  be  jealous  .  you're  special  and  i'd  be  jealous  if  i  was  them  ,  cause  i'm  lucky  enough  to  be  your  best  friend  .  " 


"  cals  ,  we  gotta  talk  about  dora  the  gordon  explorer  .  "


"  we  do  .  gotta  face  reality  and  all  that  .  "  she  commented  ,  although  of  course  she  caught  onto  callista's  unspoken  meaning  .   it  was  difficult  not  to  ,  especially  when  she'd  been  thinking  the  exact  same  .  it  did  make  her  think  though  ;  did  people  think  that  when  they  saw  bella  ?  that  she'd  never  grown  up  and  accepted  bruce  needed  to  do  more  for  gotham  ?  she  shoved  the  thought  aside  with  a  displeased  frown  before  grinning  slightly  .  "  arson  it  is  ,  calli  !  now  ,  dora's  hair  or  .  .  .  the  wayne  towers  ?  "


            "I don't mind him being busy. I used to... but sooner or later we have to grow up."
            Her tone, though as pleasant as ever, said it all. It clear what she meant, even without saying it- 'not all of us did.'
            Her tone shifted again, however, to a much more excitable one. "Well, arson usually cheers you up."


"  i  /  do  /  need  fresh  cookies  .  and  a  new  plan  .  "  she  hummed  thoughtfully  ,  eyes  settling  on  callista  before  she  sighed  gently  ,  "  didn't  think  he  would  .  he  might  not  be  there  ,  but  he  loves  you  .  "  she  pointed  out  ,  sighing  again  ,  "  explosives  or  just  go  on  a  hit  and  run  ,  calli  ?  "


"  calli  ,,  i  love  ya  and  all  ,,  but  what  in  gods  name  are  ya  doing  ?  "


"  hmm  ,  maybe  --  "  bella's  grin  widened  before  she  glanced  over  at  the  cakes  ,  eyes  lighting  up  .  "  mind  if  i  take  a  couple  of  these  back  to  hails  and  jacey  ?  "  she  asked  with  a  hum  ,  glancing  over  at  her  ,  "  water  will  be  fine  ,  calli  .  "  she  answered  before  shrugging  ,  "  i  think  he  made  edward  write  it  .  "  she  answered  with  another  shrug  .


            "Your here, is that an good occasion?" Calli pointed over to the cupboards. The inside was filled with handmade, perfectly wrapped cakes of all flavours- completely untouched since they had been first baked. "What do you want to drink? Dad has a lot of tequila but I think I've replaced most of it with water. I could probably find something, though."
            Her face fell into concentration. "Brother? Oh, Stanmothy? Is his handwriting nice?"


"  what's  the  occasion  ?  "  bella  grinned  slightly  ,  "  i'll  take  a  cake  --  and  a  drink  ,  it's  been  a  long  day  of  dealing  with  idiots  --   and  your  brother  sent  me  a  handwritten  apology  through  his  daddy  .  "  she  rolled  her  eyes  ,  "  should  i  get  it  framed  ?  "


"  little  birdie  told  me  you  were  in  gotham  ,  "  jeremy  grinned  slightly  ,  leaning  against  the  bar  once  callista  finished  her  performance  ,  piercing blues  scanning  around  them  quickly  before  he  opened  his  arms  up  for  a  hug  .  "  it  feels  like  forever  ,  "  he  commented  ,  grin  only  spreading  more  ,  "  you  look  well  ,  cal  .  "


            Calli had always been able to count on Bella and Jeremy, basically since she could remember. Some of her earliest memories were of the three of them running through the grounds of Wayne manor with the biggest smiles on their faces. Of course, that was before they'd gotten older. "He sounds pretty straightforward. Maybe you should ask him, Jere? That's be better than just wondering."


he  grinned  and  laughed  softly  .  calli  was  basically  extended  family  to  him  --  he  would  tell  anyone  else  to  leave  her  alone  if  they  made  her  uncomfortable  ,  and  everyone  knew  it  .  "  nor  do  i  .  nah  ,  not  overthinking  .  i'm  sure  dixie  sees  it  as  just  messing  around  .  friends  with  benefits  ,  and  i  don't  ,  i  guess  .  maybe  it's  not  complicated  .  just  a  little  weird  .  "


            Calli smiled. She'd always been lucky to have the St. Clouds. They knew what having a broken family was like, and they'd always been good at cheering her up. She leant into his arm, looking up at him curiously. "I don't like complicated stuff. Though, I know what your like. Are you sure your not overthinking it? You usually overthink it."