Hi guys,
          	I er I have been feeling a little down recently and might not be working on books as much as usual.
          	Anyway just thought I'd tell you guys so that you know why chapters aren't coming out as commonly 
          	Thanks for reading this and I'll see all you guys later, bye


Hi guys,
          I er I have been feeling a little down recently and might not be working on books as much as usual.
          Anyway just thought I'd tell you guys so that you know why chapters aren't coming out as commonly 
          Thanks for reading this and I'll see all you guys later, bye


Hello everybody my name is HLDTM17 and i finally found the converations tab! yes i have three books in the works but the main one i am focusing on is Misunderstood and You're my soul animal.
          I am going to put It started with a call on hold for a bit longer
          as always ill see all you dudes in the next chapter!!!!