
I just hit 200


Hey everyone, 
          I feel like I should be a bit more honest with you all, seeing as there are now 170 odd of you.
          Recently, I've been struggling a bit, and by recently, I mean over the past year.
          This feel really odd to be writing, but I feel that I am otherwise just coming across as lazy and like I don't care about writing - but I really do. 
          If you read any of my poetry, you can probably deduce that I suffer from mental illness, but think of this message as confirmation. 
          I suffer from depression and anxiety, alongside self-harm, suicidal thoughts and paranoia. 
          As you can probably then tell, it makes doing stuff, even thing I enjoy like writing, really difficult to get motivated for, and I am incredibly critical of everything I do. 
          I'm not writing this for pity point or sympathy, but more so that we can be on the same page (haha, punny).
          I am really trying to update more and write more, because you all honestly deserve it.
          I guess what I'm really trying to say in this wordy mess is just a massive THANK YOU! 
          Thank you for staying with me, supporting me and just being wonderful. 
          Hopefully, I will kick mental illnesses' arse, and be back on my feet soon.
          Heather xx


          First of all, HELLOOOOOO to all my new followers! I would usually message each of you individually, but my notifications aren't working properly.
          Also, a massive thank you to all of you who have voted on my stories!
          Now, the update part;
          I'm currently working on three books at once, which is a struggle! 
          Updates will be slow, unless I were to put one or two books on hold, which again means not updating them.
          I don't know what to do. 
          I will update as soon as possible, but in the mean time, please vote and comment so I know what you're liking, this will determine which book I work on the most. 