
Just finished "The Bad Boy and the Mermaid" by KittyKash92!
          	I absolutely loved it. As my first read since returning to Wattpad, I couldn't have asked for a better story. It was a "tail" of romance, and passion and determination and humor all in one. Blue, the mermaid, was definitely my favourite character. She was so blissfully innocent to the ways of human life, but she brought such comic relief to the story when normally you would be cringing in your skin. She was more than just a love interest, she was a leading lady who made her own way and made her own decisions - even if it got her in trouble. Hunter, our dashing male lead, was handsome and attentive enough but sometimes his possessive behaviour was a bit too much for me - but when you are in love, anything goes. 
          	Rating: 9/10
          	Intrigued to read? Find it in my Finished reading list now and give it go :) 
          	Now, do I read another story, or have a look at my own?


@HannahMKing I just saw this review! THANKS SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate it ❤️ 


Just finished "The Bad Boy and the Mermaid" by KittyKash92!
          I absolutely loved it. As my first read since returning to Wattpad, I couldn't have asked for a better story. It was a "tail" of romance, and passion and determination and humor all in one. Blue, the mermaid, was definitely my favourite character. She was so blissfully innocent to the ways of human life, but she brought such comic relief to the story when normally you would be cringing in your skin. She was more than just a love interest, she was a leading lady who made her own way and made her own decisions - even if it got her in trouble. Hunter, our dashing male lead, was handsome and attentive enough but sometimes his possessive behaviour was a bit too much for me - but when you are in love, anything goes. 
          Rating: 9/10
          Intrigued to read? Find it in my Finished reading list now and give it go :) 
          Now, do I read another story, or have a look at my own?


@HannahMKing I just saw this review! THANKS SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate it ❤️ 


Dear All,
          After a very long absence from the platform, I am happy to say that I have returned with a renewed desire to write more and read more. 
          The past three, four years have been very busy for me. Since graduating, I have gone into full-time work, passed my driving test, changed jobs, moved around, traveled and recently, my partner and I brought our first house together. 
          Sadly my writing took a backseat as a result, but it was always something I hoped to return to when the time was right. And that time is now. Reading through old work has made me realise just how much I miss the thrill of creating worlds and amazing characters, and how much I really want to finish those stories I started all those years ago. 
          So with this in mind, I am starting anew. I've cleared out my message board, unpublished a few small novels to rewrite and deleted my Reading Lists - all ready for a new start and new material.
          I'm ready to fall in love with literature again. Wattpad, show me your best!