We’re preparing for a new KiKasa story!


It was 1am. You deeply inhaled the crisp, fresh air of night, chest heaving with a slow exhale. Relaxation settled into you as you raised your head to watch the stars scattered through velvety black skies, stretched widely, endlessly. You loved it, the feeling of freedom filling you to the brim with an unfamiliar tingle... happiness, could it be? One could only imagine. What a fascinating break from the tireless eventful routine of daily life. Closing your eyes, a slow genuine smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You cherished the silence. Finally feeling recharged from the raw energy of nature, it was time to raise up from your seat, and you were ready.
          The world was huge... and in comparison you were such a tiny dot against the vastness. Maybe everyone were right... maybe what your heart was seeking most was truly within reach.