Decided to re-write Train Wreck because it was cringe, so please go check it out!


@HOODORELLI are you still writing? Are you okay? Come back. ❤️


Chapter 1 is up! I'll try to post twice a week :) also, I wish wattpad would let us schedule when our chapters came out so i wouldn't have to remember to do it myself lol


Decided to re-write Train Wreck because it was cringe, so please go check it out!


@HOODORELLI are you still writing? Are you okay? Come back. ❤️


Chapter 1 is up! I'll try to post twice a week :) also, I wish wattpad would let us schedule when our chapters came out so i wouldn't have to remember to do it myself lol


Okay so it has been for FREAKING EVER since the last time I've posted anything on here. I just had a recent spark of inspiration to start writing again, so keep an eye out for updates ;) may or may not be One Drunken Night updates in the future


Hello everyone,
          I just want to do a little check in with everyone. With everything going on in the world right now, I, like many others, have been self isolating. Michigan has just put out a stay home order, so I will be home for the next three weeks. I am currently healthy, everyone in my house is currently healthy, and we are trying to do our part in reducing the spread of this virus by staying home.
          That being said, I am going to try to upload both One Drunken Night and Trainwreck. I have also started a new fanfic, Sober, that I'll be trying to work on as well. 
          On top of that, I have finally started my YouTube channel, like I've been talking about for years. You can check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjIK3ts8eLkd6INgsOqVVzw?view_as=subscriber 
          I hope you all are doing great and staying home!! Love you all!


Today was probably one of the hardest days of my life. Today we said goodbye to Lincoln. Lincoln was a 6 year old warrior. A fighter from the start, Lincoln was the most amazing person I had the pleasure of knowing. His smile was infectious. He was always happy, even through the hospital visits and the bad days, that kid was always a ray of sunshine. He loves people; took to me the second he met me. I will deeply miss the times we spent together, and regret not making more of those. Lincoln has taught me to find happiness in the bad days. He’s taught me what strength is. What love is. He made such an impact on everyone he met. Nobody he knew will ever forget him. 
          Anyone that sees this, please take a moment to think about this beautiful boy, that you didn’t know, and pray for the family he left behind: his mom and dad, his 9 year old sister, and his 3 year old brother. Please pray for them as they struggle to find their happiness without Lincoln. 


There’s something awesome about the feeling I get after reading. Ideas spark and writers block fades away. Until I get my computer out and stare at the blank page.... ‍♀️
          Are any of my followers still out there? What book should I update?
          I’ve been considering writing a Lauren Cimorelli/Luke Hemmings fanfic called Blue but idk... thoughts??