“Just because I feed off of nightmares and sex doesn’t make me weak —”
          	[ :: ] CB FOR A ONE LINER !


i think it's safe to say you're one of a kind . . .


the only disappointments in my life are the people who leave the bed early    • he replied , shaking his head as he smiled softly at them •    besides , who can i be to judge ? we've only just met . and you can't always trust what the stories tell you . . . right ?


@luvsucker                    * a thin eyebrow rose as he flushed a soft rosy pink under the others gaze , dark eyes suddenly finding his clothes very interesting * well— here I am. Do I disappoint? 


ah , well . . we all hear stories on the simple streets of hell . i never really believed them , but . . .    • he looked the other up and down curiously , taking them in •    here you are . never thought i'd have the pleasure .


i remember how you were made  ..   just beautiful .


@killedwives                       I believe nearly no one approves of me, be it because of my name or what I am, I’ve learned to just accept it, for better or worse. * with a quiet sigh he offers the other a calm, sweet smile that didn’t quite reach his dark crimson hues * you obviously know who I am, yet, I can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure. 


@HORR0RS  .    oh ,  it was .   not many demons approve of you but that is what makes you very special in the eyes of a hell raiser .


@killedwives               I’m quite sure it was a sight, ma’am. 


you’re  definitely  not  human  —


@maneat3r                          It runs in my fathers side of the family, and they’re quite dark, sir. Or they could simply be contacts, yes? 


your  eyes  are  excruciatingly  red  ,  no  offense  dude  ,  but  i’m  pretty  sure  that’s  not  normal  —


@maneat3r          Hmm..? What are you saying? I’m most certainly a human being. 


(  glitch  ) 
          he had heard of verins cousin once before after a nightmare that left him wanting out of the dorm room .  really that wouldn't be the first time he's done something like that .   though meeting this cousin made him a little worried. glitch was always the type to worry when meeting new people though.  glitch rocked on the heels of his feet , biting his lower lip , and scratching at his arms lightly .   seeing the cousin he was wary of introducing himself . what if he was wrong ? what if he said something wrong or weird ?   these questions flew around in his mind .   though gathering the courage he walked forwards and nervously tapped on their shoulder .       “ e - excuse me ?  ” his voice was filled with nervousness and awfully soft and low .      “ are you verins cousin ? ”


            *  his own form was covered by his baggy sweatshirt , if it weren't on his body he would be quite skinny in fact almost bony , his messy black hair falling all around his face as he didn't bother to push it away  *   y - yes .  i don't sleep well .    he didn't fully explain but told me you can take nightmares away .       * voice soft as he nodded lightly rocking on his heels as he nodded , hating his nightmares with a passion nightmares that were twisted versions of his memories   *    please take them away .  i hate them . 


@justwisted                               Ah the pleasure is mine, glitch-San. * his smile is polite if not a bit shy and awkward as he turned to face the other fully his pale arms crossed over a willowy figure, not appearing built for combat despite the muscle on his lean form , sooty obsidian hair pulled back in a high ponytail that fell down between his shoulder blades a more neutral expression covering his face* I heard your not sleeping well? Did.. Verin-sama explain exactly what kind of demon I am ? It’s called a mara. Basically I’m a half nightmare, so I feed off of nightmares but I also have the ability to give them or take them away... would you like me to take away your nightmares, glitch-San? 


            (  glitch  ) 
            *  slowly he nodded fingers messing with the ends of his sleeves as he did , lips going into a thin line putting some more space between them as he did with most white he just met . dark sapphire eyes looked him over , seeing his feminine features , the interesting shade of pink , and the sweet endearing expression that settled on his face .  he looked nearly blank or just cut - off from something *    a - a pleasure to meet you unmei .  yes i am glitch  .      * his voice was stil soft and gentle , some nervousness still laced in his tone while he talked to him * 