yapping be upon ye


yk one of the most annoying types of people. the ones that are like GRAAAAHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS COMMUNITY HAS.... SHIPS?!?! HEADCANONS?!?! FANFICTION?!?! sometimes it makes me laugh like YES if there is lore (there doesn't even have to be lore people will do whatever they want!) there is going to be ships and headcanons and people are going to write about the characters it doesn't matter if its a roblox game or a novel or some super obscure movie or ANYTHING there will be ships and headcanons stop thinking that everything runs away from fandom culture because it does not and you need to learn to ACCEPT IT !!!


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"i hope you go to hell" is basic and unattainable
          "i hope the only character in your newest hyperfixation serving cunt likes minors" is real. it can happen. it happened to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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the fact that hisoka most likely would have been in my top 10 characters ever if he wasn't a pedophile wounds me. it keeps me up at night. character that serves cunt, has card motifs, vaguely a clowny appearance/design i like, cool abilities, a wild card, vaguely a neutral character, fucks around does whatever he likes. fucking checks all the checkboxes on the list. then there's "likes minors" and it's such a GUT-PUNCHER MAKES ME DROP TO MY KNEES EVERY TIME 


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dttwt is literally. not even a proper place its a CAGE filled with INSANE people who just try to use ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to defend hate against their favorite cc. sorry for being incredibly critical but
          ive seen people be like "the hate towards dream is ableism" "the hate towards dream is queerphobic" "dream suffers from misogyny" are YOU INSANE the only reason people hate dream is because some people find him insufferable, which is normal for any cc i have my own ccs that i dont like because i find them to be annoying and there's nothing WRONG WITH THAT!!!!!! like people dont hate dream for his ADHD he's just...,.., annoying and ALSO lets mention the FACT dream still has the grooming allegations in the air. he has refused to even acknowledge them since like march-may of this year GOODDSSSD nobody is hating on dream for being queer or for being yk any sort of oppressed group he falls under people are hating on him because his personality is Annoying and he has Unclear Grooming Allegations and that he did a Shit Job Clearing Those Up.


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i'm still saying this after everything that happened in fact I feel like my point just got backed up a million times by how I've seen dt stans react on twitter like holy shit


i will never get why so many x reader mcs have the worst backstories ever. like. why can't they be Normal Person With A Stable Social Life????? ok maybe it's self-indulgent ok i get it ok maybe it has to fit in with the story but in some cases it's just not needed


it makes me giggle later because like MC before the main storyline could have the worst background ever and it's not even mentioned sometimes. or like idk "my friends are all fake and i hate all of them but i'm forced to hang out with them" then it's never mentioned ever again. it just. grabs my attention


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the way the lmk fandom mostly and constantly victimises or babies macaque is so interesting to me. i love the little guy with all my heart, but if we take the events of JTTW into account... yeah. he's not all that innocent?!?!?! he stole the identity of swk and cannibalized one of his resident monkeys??? and yeah, maybe it's not canon in lmk, since the writers tend to change a ton of things from JTTW for the storyline's favor, but he still does shitty things in the show in s1 (picking a fight with MK and for WHAT??? being swk's successor??? i know he had a plan going but it's still not okay to nearly kill poor MK because of his beef with swk he had nothing to do with it) and s2, and most of s3 (and no, not meanwhile he was controlled, before that, ex: being mean to tang for NO REASON AT ALL!! he could've just taken the ring and GO!!!) like he had NO business with MK and i understand his beef with swk but he didn't have to give him insecurities (MK becoming afraid of being too alike swk) (also he randomly attacked him in s2 and used his friends against him to make him MISERABLE!!!) and all that jazz. and yeaaahhh maybe in s3 he was trying to help MK in his own fucked up way (honestly still not sure if he was trying to reactivate MK's powers or just fucking with him but i'm inclined to believe the former) but that doesn't make it any better!!! redemption arc is cool and everything and it's cool that macaque is on okay terms with MK and swk at least but i still think mac owes MK a HUGE apology. maybe swk a little but i can't blame him for going after his ex-friend who willingly killed him and removed his eye i would too!!! shadowpeach is a can of worms that is so messy. all the worms are steamed and rotten in there!!!!!!! but anyway firm believer that macaque isn't evil but not exactly good either he's a secret third thing. like. a neutral asshole


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(by the way with the tang thing it isn't like a "WAAHH MY FAVORITE CHARACTER GOT SLANDERED" but because like macaque had no business to randomly bring up the fact that he was "just like him fr"!!! maybe he was trying to manipulate him or something but i still find it so unnecessary and he was just being an asshole on PURPOSE!!!!!!!! THIS GUY EXPLOITS INSECURITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still love him though he's a fucking bastard)


worst part about being autistic is that when you have to choose between responsibilities and hyperfixations... you give yourself the ILLUSION OF CHOICE!!!!!!!! you WILL indulge in your hyperfixation for the 100th time!!!!!!! no choice!!!!!