[ :: ] so bc hes back this holiday season it means the group is back up and running if anyone wants to join ! 


and what makes us creatures of the night so frightening ? * he inquired in a soft tone with his brows furrowed together slightly , a frown adorning his pale features with his hands upon the rough material of wood , sitting on a thick branch with his legs hanging slightly over . his obsidian - pooled hues lowered towards them , a brow raising upwards a little bit ;  eyes narrowing *


your adoptive father is death himself ? huh , it seems that not all of us can avoid him these days , and now i’ve just met their son . * a scowl left past his pale lips , while his ethereal complexion started to wrinkle with his nose scrunching a little in distaste . learning that he shouldn’t be talking to males , or even LOOKING at the ravenette *


               i wasn’t planning on doing that . i’m not that cruel . though i was going to pierce one of my arrows though your body if you irritated me any more -  * he replied with a scowl escaping past not long afterwards , his brow quirking slightly upwards with a frown now on his feature once more * i wasn’t sneaking up on you in the slightest . besides , those aren’t issues when you can see that i’m more feminine than masculine . * the platinum blonde male stated , shaking his head from side to side * is that so ? i’d like to see you try . but no , i am not human nor a god . i’m something else .


@divinityscuIpted                        As if you could . Im not just so weak puppy you can kick around . * his own hand inched towards the senbon strapped to his thigh before he sighed * its not nice to sneak up on someone when theyre taking care of . . . Feminine issues . * he whispered the last part , anger still hot in his tone before he closed his one good silver eye blinking as he really studied the blonde * your off , some kinda god or something ? You arent human . So tell me or ill have to kill you . 


               i’d rather kick you for that attitude of yours , but i’ll refrain myself since i’m not necessarily violent when i don’t need to be . * the male mused as his finger lingered over the bow that was cast over his shoulder . before he glared back , his gaze piercing as silver hues that were like the moonlight stared at the raven - black haired boy *