I dont know about you all but BULLIES are "annoying"! Just cause they have advantages like size or lots of buddies with them doesnt mean that they can do anything without the risk of punishment. My easy suggestion, if you all what to do a story from it GO 4 IT. here is the basic idea. IF there are "KNOWN REPEAT BULLIES" that is ones who have been brought to the principle's office more than once for the same thing 'multiple times' then i would have a law and school policy that the next time they are caught the school and parents are notified and the person is taken by the police to a BULLY RE-EDUCATION CENTER. Where they will go thru a humiliating physical exam the their ability to control their pee/poop will be temporarily removed (unless its a bully that has exceeded the policy of repeated visits, if that is the case that person will loose that body control permanently) after the procedure is done the person will be diapered in a THICK diaper and put in a onesie opposite its natural gender. HUMILIATION/EMBARRASSMENT are fully allowed by anyone to anyone especially the bullies. they STILL have to do SCHOOL WORK in highchairs with spiked baby bottles with diuretics(peeing)/laxatives(pooping) to be drank all the time. when not in class they will be treated as 1 yr old babies to the extreme. parents will be allowed to watch from a office in the center. Anything to humiliate and embarrass or demoralize the baby will be used to get it well placed into the babies mind that bullying is not good. this includes babies taken out to a high fenced area where traffic passes by so that the public can help with their humiliation and embarrassment treatment (a special parking lot will be available). After the ONE MONTH plan is done the bullies body control will be returned but a box of diapers, wipes & powders will be provided just case there are accidents at home or school.
THIS IS A FREE IDEA for anyone to use at their will.