I was going to post a couple edited chapters today as a little gift for you guys on my birthday but unfortunately my laptop is currently in repair and I only have the story saved on there. Will post as soon as I get back my laptop.
          	Hope you all are good, have a nice day.
          	And happy birthday to me 


I was going to post a couple edited chapters today as a little gift for you guys on my birthday but unfortunately my laptop is currently in repair and I only have the story saved on there. Will post as soon as I get back my laptop.
          Hope you all are good, have a nice day.
          And happy birthday to me 


I have written the edited version of Chapter 6 and chapter 7, but, I have a question, would you like me to publish the chapters all together, with the new chapters in March or publish them now.
          If you want me to publish them by 15th February, make chapter 4 and 5 get 35 votes and 10 comments each, otherwise I will post everything starting March 13th.
          Hope you are happy and well.


I know I have been inactive a lot lately and that is mostly because I am having boards and due to the lack of interaction in my books I have become quite demotivated. 
          But I am currently going through all the books and editing and i just posted the first edited chapter of Amethyst E Black. I  have also taken down a few of the books because I want to focus on the more popular ones right now.
          I have created a second Wattpad account for all my desi books. So if you are interested in them you can check out @_ri_writes . 
          Please tell me interactions and scenes you would like to see in the book as I don't have the time to come up with new ideas while studying for my boards. 
          Hoping you all are well,


@HP-PJO-PRINCESS okay just wondering


@MimiJohn8 Yes I am still updating my stories, but because of my boards this year I cannot write any new chapters so I am just editing the pre-uploaded chapters till March 13th. By the end of March however I do plan to have uploaded 5-10 new chapters on all my books collectively.
            Thankyou for your patience


@HP-PJO-PRINCESS good night are you still updating your stories


Sorry for being so inactive in my books (I had writer's block) but hopefully now I can find some plots and get a story line set up. I got 1.9k readers on Amethyst E Black and oh my god thank you so much. i was fully expecting to get no more then a 100 reads but you guys nearly made it to 2k. I have a few stories but there is not that much to them so I was thinking of making a book where some of my tory ideas are and then if you like the idea i can make a book on it. Give me some scenes you'd like to see in my books and I'll hopefully publish another chapter of Amethyst tonight or sometime tomorrow. 
          Hope you are well and enjoying the books
          (see or dm @_obsessed.with.writing_ on instagram for any updates regarding books. DO NOT PM ME as I do not open wattpad unless I am writing and even then most times miss pms.)



Thank you! And thanks for the recommendation too! ♥️ 


@Azrael_Irene , I would love to read your book. Will try to as soon as I can. thank you for the recommendation. Stick around with Adalinda Olympus in her life stories. If you like Harry Potter go check out the profile @HP-Princess .