
this message may be offensive
200k is genuinely fucking insane and I’m crying in Taco Bell rn. Thank you for liking my story!!! Xox




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Also, since I’m being honest. I told yall I was writing a tom with with a premise I would decline writing if anyone I know ever asked LOL
          I’m not gonna lie this got put heavy on the back burner because I didn’t want to fuck anything up and with it being 1940 there were details not necessarily timeline accurate.
          However, I read Phantom (18+) by H. D. Carlton and this had revived the story completely. I know I said I would release this before book three, currently this timeline is still active.
          And to the very few IRL people I let know about this account, were definitely not talking about this.
          Also onyx storm update: I am currently klaus yelling Rebecca, I’ve finished, i don’t know how to feel.
          Alsoooo because I’m a yapper I made a insta, and I’m actually going to start using it (shocker) but I’ll post little sneak peaks to chapters and works here that I don’t post here, so if you want possible spoilers or inside info, follow my insta! Hpynwrites!
          Alright I’m done, I’ll leave yall in peace :)


@HPYNwrites REALLLL- the way I held my breath when tairn got caught in a tornado 


@XJennieX1234 the amount of people who died but didn’t die. I was so stressed the entire time HAHA


I LOVEEEEE REBECCAAA!!! But the ending was NOT okay 


Okay so I’ve had another idea which could potentially stop another project I’ve been working on.
          Recently I’ve read the L.O.R.D.S series, and the devils night series (both really good and i recommend if you’re over 18)
          I was going to do a devils night inspired series (doing four books which I had already publicly stated) however, I also kinda think the boys could pull off a lords remake as well.
          (Lords inspired would mean high smut less of a plot BUT still a plot.)
          I’m now giving yall the option. If you don’t know about either of these series then I’ll give you a basic rundown:
          Lords: the most jaw dropping, holy water needed smut with secret society and possessive/obsessive themes, a lot of blood and gore, secret missions 
          Devils night: The night before Halloween four boys go real havoc and but their lives are also chaotic, also smut but less smut to plot.
          Anyway if anyone wants a say feel free to let me know what you would prefer <3 


I’m not gonna lie I’m so nervous I had to get several people to beta read the ending and give feedback, so yall can blame my anxiety for this being late HAHA 
          It’s coming I promise, tomorrow at the latest. I’m working really hard to make this perfect so yall don’t hate me LMFAO


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@Pepo_103 I fucking jinx it 


Okay i actually finished behind the mask tonight, im going to spend the day tomorrow editing and proof reading but tomorrow you will get the end of Behind the Mask.
          To give myself a fair amount of time I will say they will be posted anytime after 8pm NZST Sunday (technically today but oh well.)
          I really hope this ending is something you all love, i actually completely changed it tonight and feel that this is so so much better than the original idea I had. So as of right now anyone I’ve told the ending too, it’s now incorrect.
          There is one chapter (approx 3k words as I shortened it)
          Epilogue one (which was originally part of the final chapter but I decided it’s easier to understand as a epilogue)
          And epilogue two.
          I’m so nervous to finish this story and hope you all are at least satisfied with the ending <3
          I love you all, thank you for everything. 
          Em x


I’m actually buzzing for this 


@HPYNwrites I really hope they get a happy ending :)


I’m actually so nervous HAHAHA 


I fear the Wattpad writers curse has struck again.
          I’ve damaged my spine and the nerves in my legs, and am currently on bed rest. Due to this I’ve been on a lot of medication and not editing Home for the Holidays like I had planned while on vacation (yes I did this on vacation, literally at the Chase Atlantic concert.)
          My only advice to yall is don’t wear heels to a concert.
          Home for the Holidays is going to be late, I’m tasking a friend to edit it and post it but as soon as it’s done it will be posted.
          I love you all thank you for understanding.
          Merry Christmas xxx


@HPYNwrites gurllll I hope you’re okay!!! 


@XJennieX1234 I hope you’re okay?! :')


Been there done that, heels at a concert is a no no, I fell down the bloody stairs at the eras tour 