Happy new years! I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve gotten these past two years with my stories. I hope everyone had a great 2024 and hopefully this next years is a lot better. I’ll promise to post more this year but other then my dumb ranting, I hope you all had a happy new years wherever you are and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!


Happy new years! I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve gotten these past two years with my stories. I hope everyone had a great 2024 and hopefully this next years is a lot better. I’ll promise to post more this year but other then my dumb ranting, I hope you all had a happy new years wherever you are and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!


Hi. It’s been a while huh? Sorry I haven’t been posting or interacting for a couple of months. I’m trying to get more stories updated and more new stories that I want to write posted it’s just the stress and anxiety that’s gotten to me. It might take me a few months to get back to writing since I have like, zero motivation or energy to update/post stories. I promise I will try to get chapters out sooner or later this year.


… turns out the computer I write is total ass when it comes to working. I’m so sorry for not recently posting anything this summer(even though I’ve been out of school for a few weeks now) but I’ll try to get some work done. I am now currently sitting on my bed writing this with fake casts on and in crippling pain. I’ll try getting work done and I hope you all have a great day/afternoon/ night! <3


I think I might've fixed the computer I use to write. Anyways who cares about that. School is almost done and the last day being Friday (at least for me) which means I will try to write more chapters for the fanfictions I am currently writing. I can't promise that I won't get a lot done because right now I'm having a bit of writers block but what I can promise is that I will get some done during the summer.  I will also continue to rewrite them and make sure that the wording is better. Anyways with all of that done I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon and I hope you have a great Summer break! <3


So the next chapter of the fanfic I’m currently writing had to get put on hold for a whole bc I was grounded for the weekend last week and I just couldn’t get my brain working to type anything so it’s not going to come out for another week or so.