
Np I love your story Emily Black 
          	I can't put it down!


Thanks for fanning : ) It means a lot...blah blah blah...I really apreciat it...blah blah blah...anything of mine you like in particilar...blah blah blah...
          Sorry, its like 3 in the morning for me and I've been up all night working on homework and I'm just completely pooped. I really am. But thank you for fanning, I just dont have enough energy for a full out thank you ; )
          Question: Why didnt you just make your own account? Just wondering...is there gold or oil or something hidden deep beneath this account Is it a magic portal or something? Would be very cool if so...
          Thanks again,


I see you like HP fics, and I wrote one an dwas wandering if you were willing to check it out.
          here's a summery: 
          Hermione enrolls to Greenmeadow High, a muggle highschool. But when she meets her chemistry teacher, a hot man all the girls (and probably some of the boys) in school have a crash on she thinks she may have made the worst mistake of her life.
          As she discovers a dark secret about her and her family, Hermione learns to cope with being in love with her chem teacher and having a grandfather no girl yet every girl would wish for.
          A lot of romance, love, and Harry and Voldemort having fun together in a beach (not as a couple, mind you!)...
          after HBP...