/  finally active on here. cb strpc 


"  oh c'mon  ,  I still can't leave the castle even if you were still with me ?  I want some adventure  , I'm getting bored in this castle .  " the prince arms crossed a slight pout formed on face . " well — uhm — then could you teach me how to use one of those swords ? " 


" why are acting like this  ? "  the boy was hesitant to continue on , but no one else would bring the issue up to mike . " you've become more distant  ,  you're bailing out on most of the hangouts with me and the others . which I could understand if you / were / busy   , but you aren't  .  is something bothering you ? please mike ,  I just want to understand why you're acting so different  .  "


no, NO. we have to go. NOW. 
              /   byler in the upside down


* attempting not to focus on the intertwining of their hands and instead the threat of the flesh eating monster heading in their direction, the brunette made sure not to waste a moments time in moving, dragging the other male along with him. *     we should probably hide somewhere new. like—    melvalds’, or something. it’s not far from here. plus,  they’ll have supplies.


@clericall *   .. OKAY!   okay let's go. lead the way.  * and for the first time in a long time, mike grabbed onto will's hand and held it there, interlocking their fingers so they wouldn't be separated as they moved. *


MIKE! listen to me. those things are—     they’re not just mindless monsters. they’re SMART. if one nearby hears what’s happening, or—     or it calls for others, then we’re as good as dead. we. have. to. GO. 


you just—   you need to stop worrying about it, mike. it’s not getting us anywhere. 


* will sighed, his fingers drumming against his leg in nervous habit, and he shifted a little uncomfortably. *    it’s not—     it’s not that i don’t trust you, or anything like that. i promise. 


@clericall *  (..  )      fine. okay. i'll stop.. i'll forget about it.  * an obvious lie. they both knew that wasn't going to happen. *


mike. just forget it. please. it’s NOT important, and..    and i don’t want to talk about it. 


el made muffins, so, here. i brought you some   :)


i told you. she’s perfected those, i think.   * will nodded, a quiet laugh slipping out from his throat. *    but, yeah, seriously. she loves it. i mean, you should see our kitchen sometimes. it’s like a bomb goes off in there—    just with more flour. 


really are good*   sobs. 


@clericall *  so she got into baking, huh? she never really told me-  * he took the muffin and happily took a bite. soon after he was humming out of satisfaction. *  wow. these really good. 


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you—     what the FUCK, mike? you seriously—     you could have DIED! 
              /   he learnt abt the quarry   :)


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you..       fuck. god, i—     come here. just, come here. let me hug you, please.    * he drew in a sharp breath, shaken and unsteady, his eyes already beginning to well and throat burning. this—   learning about this—    was like something out of a nightmare. the idea of it made him sick to his stomach, a pit of dread settled deep within it. * 


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@clericall *  YES..  yes! i know!   i know that. (..  )  SHIT, maybe i wanted to die. maybe-   maybe that's why i jumped instead of just beating away those bullies.   okay!.   i.     i.. know i'd be dead. i know you'd be- ..    shit, i know.  it's terrible. it's selfish. but that how i really felt during that whole  .. situation. 


LEAVE it be? you expect me to just—     gloss over this? i—     can’t believe you. you’re so..    STUPID. you’re so STUPID. what if el hadnt been there? then you’d—     you’d be DEAD. you’d be DEAD, and i’d..        (..)     i think i’m going to throw up. 