
The 100 Theme Poetry challenge/story from those years ago is finished. Everything is live and that will be the last that I post for this year. I need to work on some plans and figure a few things out, but I will (hopefully) be posting more (new) content next year. Safe holidays everyone.


The 100 Theme Poetry challenge/story from those years ago is finished. Everything is live and that will be the last that I post for this year. I need to work on some plans and figure a few things out, but I will (hopefully) be posting more (new) content next year. Safe holidays everyone.


New story is live guys! I'm not thrilled with these pieces, but I've got a plan/idea for them. We'll see if I can work with this plan. I'm feeling good about the plan at least. Ha! Have a good weekend everyone!


The last chapters of Cry, Wolf, Cry are posted. Next week there will be no posts, BUT I'm working on something special. I'm working on getting more of my poetry up while I'm writing new things. The rest of this year will be poetry from almost a decade ago from something I did titled the 100 Theme challenge. After that I'm planning on adding to my regular poetry and I'm working on some plans for things beyond that. It's a wild ride and has been only a slight headache for me so far. We'll see how much longer I last before I crack. 


Hello all! Because this is a long weekend and since I was late posting the last update I've posted the next set of chapters for Annabee. Next weekend (Sept 9th) will be the last of that story. I have no idea what I'll do once everything I have is posted here. Should prooooobably figure out a plan for that, huh...


Hey everyone. Sorry I didn't post chapters on Sunday. I wasn't feeling well and wasn't about to post new content here when I probably couldn't have sang my ABCs in order.  Enjoy. I'll have 5 more chapters on Sunday for you. It's all written, just needs published here.