Rant incoming:
You think you have it hard? I’m an AFAB enby who, if misgendered, prefers he/him, my favorite aunt is a trump supporter, so I can never come out to her, my parents are separated, my birthday is Fourth of July, the most republican holiday you can get, while I am a proud queer democrat. And I’ve spent almost no time with my grandfather on my mom’s side, so I have no clue if he is homophobic or transphobic, and he is coming to visit this summer. I’m also an introvert who loves activism, so I am a bumbling mess at all forms of marches. Also s*x repulsed ace who loves teen dramas. The only things I have going are the fact that I live in Washington state, a widely blue state with a large queer community, and my parents aren’t homphobes/transphobes.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to say that anyone has it easy, this is just my problem. Also, my robotics coach who is basically a grandpa to me is also a staunch Republican, though I don’t know if he’s a homophobe/transphobe.