Ok, here’s my take on the finale. I respect all your opinions, please respect mine. Yes, Ricky shouldn’t ever go out with lily. No, he should not have gotten back together with nini. They were where they needed to be. They now need a larger chance to grow as individuals, and nini might be moving, and we know long distance relationships don’t work for them. I will forever hate lily. The only new redemption arc I am open to is antione’s which after that finale, we could see in season three. Redlyn is cute as hell. Portwell is also amazing, but DARN YOU TIM, if we don’t get a proper kiss from them in season three, I will riot (figuratively, I don’t think I could ever actually give up on the show). Also, where is that acoustic hsm2 medley on the soundtrack?! Why would you give us a song lily didn’t sing that I personally didn’t want (Ashlyn is always superior) but rob us of that beauty!!!! All in all, I personally found the finale for the most part satisfying.


Ok, here’s my take on the finale. I respect all your opinions, please respect mine. Yes, Ricky shouldn’t ever go out with lily. No, he should not have gotten back together with nini. They were where they needed to be. They now need a larger chance to grow as individuals, and nini might be moving, and we know long distance relationships don’t work for them. I will forever hate lily. The only new redemption arc I am open to is antione’s which after that finale, we could see in season three. Redlyn is cute as hell. Portwell is also amazing, but DARN YOU TIM, if we don’t get a proper kiss from them in season three, I will riot (figuratively, I don’t think I could ever actually give up on the show). Also, where is that acoustic hsm2 medley on the soundtrack?! Why would you give us a song lily didn’t sing that I personally didn’t want (Ashlyn is always superior) but rob us of that beauty!!!! All in all, I personally found the finale for the most part satisfying.


It’s been a little while since I posted one of these, and I know I have so new followers, so here we go. This is an official notice. On this page we support ALL cast members of both HSMTMTS and JATP. We do not place limitations on these people, we do not judge them, and we never invalidate them. We support BLM and all of the LGBTQ+ people. We do not place limitation on these people, and we never invalidate them. Everyone deserves to live as themselves. Everyone deserves equal rights, and to be free of hate crimes. We do not compare actors to one another. We stan Julia Lester. If you disagree with anything I’ve said, feel free to unfollow. I am not trying to change your mind, do not try to change mine.


i have a question for all trans and non binary people out there. can it be considered dysphoria if it is only about other people perceiving you in whatever way causes you discomfort? because all I've heard is that dysphoria is when your uncomfortable with your features, rather then dysphoria is being uncomfortable with other people perceiving those features. Because for me, i am AFAB, and so therefore, i have oobies. i don't feel uncomfortable in the fact that i have oobies, and i don't really feel the need to get top surgery, but if I'm going to be around other people, i feel the intense need to bind. is this considered dysphoria, or is this just a perception issue?


possible unpopular opinion here, but let you go hits harder then the actual breakup. i couldn't even bring myself to listen to the entirety of it until today. which may seem like a short time, but I've been listening to you ain't seen nothin' since 9pm pacific coast time on Thursday.


Rant incoming: 
          You think you have it hard? I’m an AFAB enby who, if misgendered, prefers he/him, my favorite aunt is a trump supporter, so I can never come out to her, my parents are separated, my birthday is Fourth of July, the most republican holiday you can get, while I am a proud queer democrat. And I’ve spent almost no time with my grandfather on my mom’s side, so I have no clue if he is homophobic or transphobic, and he is coming to visit this summer. I’m also an introvert who loves activism, so I am a bumbling mess at all forms of marches. Also s*x repulsed ace who loves teen dramas. The only things I have going are the fact that I live in Washington state, a widely blue state with a large queer community, and my parents aren’t homphobes/transphobes.
          I’m sorry I don’t mean to say that anyone has it easy, this is just my problem. Also, my robotics coach who is basically a grandpa to me is also a staunch Republican, though I don’t know if he’s a homophobe/transphobe.


@HSMTMTSJATPStan :( I’m sorry you have some people who are not supportive of you