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@samuel_carson_1 I am also going to tell you what I told my friend:Right now I feel like shit, I am a larger person but I wouldn't consider it "fat".
My mom is making me workout, and though she says it's just to keep active sometimes I feel it's not. for example, one time I decided to pass down this cardigan I had that was to small for me, and it was to small for me when I got it. And when I told my mom I wanted to pass it down because it was to small, and at that moment she told me that I should work out, and the way she phrased it made me feel like shit. And this along with my identity crisis is making me feel depressed.
My friend ember is mtf and today I jokingly said can we switch body's, sure I was joking but somewhere inside me I can't help but wonder if it wasn't.Today I worked out for thirty minutes and I just had to push through and aching wrist, All my joints randomly ache and I wonder if it's something medical, and after the thirty minutes I feel like I want to puke.
This was yestersay