Hello! And yeah, the audacity of me even saying hello nicely after not updating for so so so long. I don't really know how long it has been. It will sound like just an excuse, but for the past years, I've been holding a lot of baggage. I'm trying my best, and I'm always on the edge of the cliff barely hanging on. Just recently I was slipping on and off to that darkness that maybe some of you know. In college and even after I graduated just months ago, I'm barely hanging on. I'm keeping my life in private but revealing some might give you at least enough of an explanation. I'm not really a kind of writer that abandons my works, may it be fanfics or fictions. I've been on slumps as a writer and author too, but this time it's different. It's deeper than just not being able to write something. Even my journal that has been keeping me together all this time is having empty pages. Just recently I was on the verge of attempting again, if you know what I mean, and I'm really really just barely taunting on the edge of so-called life. I thought writing would take the chaos in my mind, but I can't write. I'm not able to write. Not yet. I can't yet and I don't know when. To all the readers, that avidly waiting and commenting and even messaging me, I know apologies are not enough. I really appreciate all the support, and I am guilty for letting you all down and disappointing you, for making you wait so long and so on. But even I want to, and I badly want to, nothing just come to me. Even reading my works over and over, the notes I left and made for the stories, my mind just stops and everything feels heavy. I'm really sorry...