this message may be offensive
Ok so I’m back and it turns out she reported then muted me or something. This crazy bitch done posted a whole message board claiming I’m racist and being all  #blacklivesmatter” the fake activism is really showing. If you really cared about black people and our lives you wouldn’t be reporting me for reclaiming a word that is used to hurt me and my community . This is so fucking stressful cuz she is telling people to report me when I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. She’s a fucking idiot. Who knew wattpad could be so stressful because of the users ‍♀️


this message may be offensive
Ok so I’m back and it turns out she reported then muted me or something. This crazy bitch done posted a whole message board claiming I’m racist and being all  #blacklivesmatter” the fake activism is really showing. If you really cared about black people and our lives you wouldn’t be reporting me for reclaiming a word that is used to hurt me and my community . This is so fucking stressful cuz she is telling people to report me when I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. She’s a fucking idiot. Who knew wattpad could be so stressful because of the users ‍♀️


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Some idiot bitch just accused me of being racist because I called another black person nigga. BITCH IM BLACK!! Anyways after I told her I was black the bitch still said I was racist. She either blocked me or deleted her ragidy account. Can you block ppl on here? Anyways can someone try and look for this hoe, her name was like “realgeminiqueen1”. I just need to confirm before I make an extra account and cuss this bitch out. If someone can find her it means she blocked but if she deleted her account it’s ok.


Oh p.s I think she blocked me cuz I clicked on her reply and it was unavailable then I tried to click her account and it was also unavailable.