hiii loves new story out now !!



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hey queefs so the last one was clearly fake i havent written shit :D soooo now im gonna try and get back into the swing of things bc yeah i havent really been wattpad andddddd i finally have a computer to write on !! bc if you know me yk i hate writing on my phone or table so having a computer is perfect !! so hopefully it turns out right ill write one for you lovelys its gonna be an old request that i never finished !!
          - theo <3


Hey guys !! So I've been thinking abt it a lot and I've been thinking abt maybe writing again,, ik I've said this a lit in the past and never committed to it  but this time I'm kind of serious so I do want to write again,, I've improved in writing and I've grown up !! So honestly it's only if you guys want me to honestly but tbh I do have a really good story in mind I would love to share,, it's Yunsan and inspired by black cat Nero,, so you want to read it just let me know and I'll type it up !! 
          Love ya
          , luka <3