"Merry Christmas to all"


Thank you for adding THE VISITOR to your reading list.
          It tells the story of a dynamic female astronaut who finds something unexpected in low-Earth orbit. It goes on to change her life and the world.
          My writing is hard SF - so plenty of real science and realistic situations. By the end of chapter four you should feel as if you are actually living in the International Space Station. 
          The story provides a truly fresh look at first contact, but with an unexpected twist. The main character, Evelyn, according to some readers, becomes someone they can really connect to during the story.
          Hope you enjoy it.
          Votes, comments and questions welcome.


Hey, thanks for reading my book, Prophet from the Moon! :D


@HYDROCARBON Aww thanks! I'm excited to write it. : )


@dasistwinter  Welcome, pleasure is all mine, now waiting for its sequel.....