
The short story/fantasy tale of the Tetrad Moon is finished! As the world of the Tetrad Moon comes to a close, for anyone who has read it, what is your favorite nation? Do you think this is the end of the Amarans? Do you think the bureaucrats of Grazzline will get the justice they deserve? Any comments are certainly appreciated :)


The short story/fantasy tale of the Tetrad Moon is finished! As the world of the Tetrad Moon comes to a close, for anyone who has read it, what is your favorite nation? Do you think this is the end of the Amarans? Do you think the bureaucrats of Grazzline will get the justice they deserve? Any comments are certainly appreciated :)


The second chapter - The Rift of Darkness - has been posted.


@H_A_Hollins oh okay, I just thought I'd tell you since you're new. Interesting technique.


@WendyKopulchu Thanks, but I post the name of my next chapter right after the previous chapter to let people know what's coming next week, so they wont be notified when I actually post that chapter.


@H_A_Hollins (people get notifications for updates)