Straight may be the default but I casually came out to my mom, cause I knew she wouldn't care yes I was still a little nervous, and she just nodded and said she was proud of me for coming out.
@narwhalsupreme thank you for giving me some hope in at least one human because I can't put into words how disgusting and atrocious this one comment section was and how much they had just killed my idea that humans were okay. I don't know how many times I have to say it but teaching the victims to "protect" themselves against rape is just saying "make sure they rape the other person" because there will always be someone less secure, more drunk, around less people.
I don’t even have words for my hatred of rape culture. I hate that I’ve been taught to accept being treated that way and I am working hard to unbrainwash myself. Too many of my fiends and family members have been victims and I will not accept people calling them liars when they have no idea what happened to them.
@HadTooMuchToThink Rape culture is unimaginably unacceptable! It is DISGUSTING to teach and normalize sexual assault, telling people to hide it away and that it’s going to happen to them and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.