
Glad to see the new followers and new adds to reading lists. Welcome


I have the temptation to make twin fanfics. One for a game and character I truly care for and the other for the reboot and alt variant that has me in what can only be described as a lustful rage. Naturally it would take place after the events of the main story, but does it seem like it could be interesting?


@HadalZone yes I like it seems cool


Write, everyone write. Let whatever emotion that spills from the cracks in your heart flow onto the page, who gives a damn if it is messy? Who cares how abstract it is? Who cares what colors and shades are present? Who cares if parts of the page are held with tape? It's yours.


180, Where the hell do you all keep coming from?


@HadalZone I first found you when I first got onto Wattpad and read the serpents den. Absolutely loved it. So much so I pulled an all nighter to read the whole thing. I'm happy to be apart of your 180 followers and look forward to your work in the future!


Anyone got any good songs to recommend that might get me in a writing mood?


@HadalZone  Oh, Ok! Will is a good artist, so I thought I would suggest him. Also, if music doesn't work, try reading fanfictions!


@Allamadiamond369 I am very familiar with DaGames. Not even ashamed to admit that I used to listen to the phone guy song on repeat. Good tunes but once again doesn't bring about the right mood for the content that I supply.


@HadalZone ok another song, actually got me into the game it's about, Build our Machine by DAGames, he worked with Lollia to do a metal cover for Addict! The song is about an AMAZING horror game called Bendy and the Ink Machine, and it has the perfect harmony of swing and electro music! He (DAGames) also does animation, FNaF songs, and gameplay on his channel!
            I am not trying to get you to follow him, just trying to recommend something I think you might enjoy ^^