Hi. I've got some news that I think you should know.
Liberosis isn't going to happen. The release date I wanted, November 20th, is just coming up too fast, and the entire project is not going well at all. I've only gotten the prologue written and I've barely started the first chapter, and even now, I just don't have the motivation or words to continue.
I have the entire book plotted out, and the idea of writing about Bill's tragic backstory sounded amazing to me at first. It is turning out to be a lot harder to write about than I'd anticipated, and so I'm dropping the project.
I feel terrible about it, but I don't have the drive to finish what I started. I'm sorry about that. This might seem a bit weird, but the reason I'm telling you this is because you were one of the few people that knew about the book and were looking forward to it. Thanks for that, and for reading this.