
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you've all enjoyed celebrating this season of family and friends as we remember Christ's birth. 


          As a member of Writer Falls, we aspire to promote
          the love of a fantastic show that has proven time and time again how extraordinary its storytelling truly is.
          Currently, we're hosting a GF Watty to commemorate someof the finest work on the site for the fandom, and we hope you'll consider joining!
          Thank you, and have a lovely day/night!


Hello! I read your Portal fanfiction, and just wanted to tell you that your writing style is amazing. You deserve way more than 83 followers. :)


You're welcome!


@Minty_The_Cat Thank you!! I love to hear that! Glad you're enjoying my writing!


Hi. I've got some news that I think you should know.
          Liberosis isn't going to happen. The release date I wanted, November 20th, is just coming up too fast, and the entire project is not going well at all. I've only gotten the prologue written and I've barely started the first chapter, and even now, I just don't have the motivation or words to continue. 
          I have the entire book plotted out, and the idea of writing about Bill's tragic backstory sounded amazing to me at first. It is turning out to be a lot harder to write about than I'd anticipated, and so I'm dropping the project.
          I feel terrible about it, but I don't have the drive to finish what I started. I'm sorry about that. This might seem a bit weird, but the reason I'm telling you this is because you were one of the few people that knew about the book and were looking forward to it. Thanks for that, and for reading this.


@GreyJay13 I'm sorry to hear that, but I also totally understand. It's perfectly normal to have to shelve a writing project because the reality of it sets in. Still, I'm sorry you have to turn down something like that, but I hope you'll continue to be able to do what you enjoy! 


Just finished my Gravity Falls Bill/Ford mini-marathon (Dreamscapers, Sock Opera, Not What He Seems, A Tale of Two Stans, The Last Mablecorn, Dipper and Mabel vs the Future, and the Weirdmageddon trilogy). Now I'm really ready to keep writing CIPHER! 


Hey, guys!  I just published the beginnings of a Gravity Falls book I'm going to start writing. It concerns more Bill and Ford backstory, though it certainly isn't BillFord! Updates on this one will probably be a little slower, but I'm really excited about this one! I'd love it if you checked it out! 


Hey, guys! Sorry I've been a but MIA lately, but I've just been enjoying the summer. The beginning of the End of Minecraft has finally dropped, and I'm working on some other things as well. Again, I'm going to try to write two works at once, and hopefully that works out this time. Hope you enjoy your summers! It's good to be back!  


Happy 15th birthday to me! My two year anniversary on here is nearly here as well. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just got so many stories I'm working on and summer just begun. I promise to post something soon. Thanks to you all! 


Happy birthday! Here's some cake  