
How are you guys! I've literally been away for so long  unfortunately 


Can you answer this? There are 10 people in a room and you kill 8 of them!! How many people actually remain in the room? Reply to the answer and I’ll PM you, but if your answer is wrong you have to repost this!!
          I lost to @percabethpuppy


I just watched No Way Home and now I'm depressed


@Hades_kid665 yep
            the post credits scene left an opening for the sequel 
            I think my dad told me it is already being filmed. (or maybe he said it has been filmed im not sure)


I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU: I WILL BE COMPLETELY HONEST… you can ask me ONE  question (only in my inbox/pms). Any question, no matter how crazy, sinister or wrong it is. I WILL answer no matter what. You have my FULL honesty, but I DARE you to put this on your profile and see what questions you get! 
          I got this idea from @zeus_is_stupid


Hey guys, so I know that I have not been on wattpad for a long time but that was because my mom took away my laptop because she caught me on it at 3 in the morning, I got in a lot of trouble but now I'm back and I need new percabeth book recommendations does anyone have any good ones


thank you so much I will definitely read these


hey guys my name is Marie I am a huge Percy Jackson fan and I am 13 years old. My hobbies are reading stories on Wattpad and books, drawing, sketching, painting etc. I am a huge dork and proud of it lol


Hi @solangelo_panacegirl I love Harry Potter I used to be obsessed before I started reading pjo lmao


            Hi  Marie, pjo is awsome right! Do you like Harry potter as well? Or are you a one fandom wonder*-*


@Hades_kid665 hii Marie 
             I think we are quite similar 
            Even I'm 13 years old, and love reading on wp